After winning a war of attrition in the primaries, Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. He is also a presumptive human being. Whereas questions still ...
It took Joe Biden’s public embrace of same-sex marriage to smoke him out. But after Joe told David Gregory of “Meet the Press” he was “absolutely ...
God save me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies. That thought must be coursing through the mind of President Obama right now as his White House rigs for silent running ...
The night of his victories in Maryland, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia, Mitt Romney laid out the ground upon which he will stand to fight his fall battle with Barack ...
With electoral successes in Arizona and Michigan, Mitt Romney’s accession to the Republican nomination is all but concluded. Barring an unforeseen misstep the nomination is ...
The political beliefs of Barack Obama, said Rick Santorum last week, come out of “some phony theology. ... Not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology, but no ...
In his new book Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, master social scientist Charles Murray flavors his portrait of the widening gap between the classes with some ...
So the primary season is winding down, which is an absurdity since it barely got wound up. The moneymen decide early on who will best serve their interests, and they pay the media ...
Newt Gingrich’s surge to success in South Carolina has surely brought joy to the Obama White House. For his 12-point victory ensures the fight for the GOP nomination will ...
Ron Paul is a dangerous man. He is many things to many people. There is the very real suspicion that Paul is something more than what he seems. He is not to be trusted. Ron Paul ...
On Monday, supporters of Rick Santorum clashed with Santorophobes outside a New Hampshire sports bar. Both sides were angry enough to fight about it. Talk about politics as ...
There still exists a possibility that, come Jan. 20, 2013, we could have a Republican Senate and House, and a Republican president. But there is also a possibility that a ...
While interviewing Ron Paul a few days ago, CNN’s chief political analyst Gloria Borger avoided discussing his policies and instead dredged up the already exhausted newsletter ...
Sometimes intelligent people say things that are so dumb, I wonder whom they are trying to please. In George Will’s latest diatribe, “Ron Paul, spoiler?,” he makes nice to ...
A recent Quinnipiac University poll shows Herman Cain solidly in the lead in the race for the Republican nomination. His surge in the polls has lasted for well over a month and ...
The spooky spirits of Halloween season find us a mere year away from the next presidential election, and our rotting republic faces a scenario unthinkable a generation ago: Both ...