I just drove to Kansas and back, 2600 miles listening to the radio and pondering American industry, the heartland, affairs of the heart, and other organs. On either side of the ...
David Grossman. To the End of the Land. Vintage (reprint edition), 2011. 672pp. Dave Grossman. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society. Back Bay ...
Pat Buchanan may be the only self-described paleoconservative whose last six books have reached The New York Times Best Seller list. Pat did this despite the established ...
One of the schoolmasters in charge of my Anglican religious instruction used to say that a good hymn is one that leaves you feeling absolutely terrible. I feel the same way about ...
In his new book On China, Henry Kissinger looks at what makes China what it is. In his new book The Origins of Political Order, Francis Fukuyama attempts to explain why China is ...
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen came out last year, but since it has been called the novel of the century, I suppose it is still relevant. Freedom is what is now called a “literary ...
Bill James, the baseball statistics analyst who has been one of the most revolutionary influences upon American sport and thought over the last generation, has now published a ...
According to reviewers, Jennifer Egan’s novel A Visit From the Goon Squad is "virtuosic," "shape shifting," "startlingly new," and it "turns the ...
Jared Taylor. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century. New Century Books, 2011. 342 pp. It's hard to find things to hate about Jared Taylor, and that's what his ...
She lives on credit and lusts after entertainment, whether emotional or commercial. She derives her pleasure solely from seeing her reflection in the gleam of a man's eye or in ...
In what may be described as the Dell comic-book version of "the Civil War's true beginning," Allen C. Guelzo, seated as Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era at ...
Nixon in China, John Adams's opera based on Richard Nixon's détente-seeking 1972 visit to the People's Republic, has Kissinger pirouetting, Chairman and Madame Mao dancing the ...
As if it were the center of the frickin" universe, celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking's new book The Grand Design rocketed atop the publishing cosmos and reached #1 on Amazon ...
In October 2000 most of the children invited by Dr. Emma Williams to her son Archie’s seventh birthday party failed to turn up. Distance was not the issue, given that her ...
Noam Chomsky's new book, Hopes and Prospects, leads me to a conclusion that will startle his admirers and critics alike: Chomsky is a conservative. It might surprise him as well. ...
At the height of the fashion for post-modernism, the camp panjandrum of late 20th century American architecture Philip Johnson described Norman Foster as “the last modern ...