The media have been playing up the "civil war" inside the GOP between what Politico calls the "MAGA Republicans and Big Tech." The restrictionists in the party want fewer visas, and the pro-growth wing wants more. This past weekend, President-elect Donald Trump announced his support for expanding immigrant worker visas. He told the New York Post: "I've always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That's why we have them." It wasn't clear whether he was talking about special visas for seasonal workers or high-tech (H1b) visas. But he has the strategy exactly right: ...
For Joey “Sponge-Brain Sh*ts-Pants” Biden and the Democrat Left, it’s the best of times and the worst of times. As three-plus years of an intentionally erased border and the concomitant flood ...
Recent polling shows President Joe Biden's open-border immigration policy is now ranked as the No. 1 or 2 problem facing America -- in part because of the havoc in our large cities where the millions ...
The past month has led to agonizing reappraisals among some mainstream Jewish-American liberals over the traditional Jewish-American shibboleth that diversity must be good for the ...
I see the pro-abortion crowd is still bragging about their "10-year-old rape victim," lamenting that the poor kid had to travel all the way from Ohio to Indiana to get the ...
When the British public voted to leave the European Union in 2016, it wasn’t just the result that shocked the liberal establishment; it was also the realization that the ...
Bill Barr, two-time attorney general and one of approximately 2.5 members of the Trump administration to leave with his reputation intact, has also written one of only two books ...
Whether true or not, the left has decided that black people are as easy to play as Donald Trump. While frantically replacing African Americans with immigrants, they announce: ...
Ah, Congressman Steve Cohen—what a yukster! Two weeks ago, he had us in stitches by eating a big ol’ bucket of KFC when Attorney General Barr was a no-show to his witch trial ...
Big news out of the White House this week! After a beehive of activity, Jared Kushner will finally be unveiling his comprehensive immigration plan! Reportedly, the proposed ...
According to journalist Paul Brian, [Brent] Tarrant’s perceptions and actions are the outgrowth of years of rhetoric that’s portrayed immigrants as “invaders” and the ...
“Trump’s immigration proposals are as dangerous as they are stunning,” railed amnesty activist Frank Sharry. “Trump ... promises to rescind protections ...
We bought several six-packs and drove around drunk. We were that special kind of drunk where you"re a better driver. We didn"t wear our seat belts and sped most of the ...
Last week's Paris massacres of cartoonists and Jews might suggest to a dispassionate observer that endless mass immigration to France from the continent of Africa isn"t ...
President Barack Obama"who would never least not intentionally...or at least he wouldn"t admit it...recently spoke at a Massachusetts school where he claimed that ...
Jason Richwine, the young conservative scholar who co-authored the Heritage Foundation report on the long-term costs of the amnesty bill backed by the “Gang of Eight,” ...