Hacks and Charlatans

The National Association of Scholars has published an important new report called “Social Justice Education in America.” It’s “a comprehensive examination of the inner ...

Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as "the longest suicide note in history." The phrase comes to ...

Hey, Commander! Start Commanding!

It's great that members of Congress have located specific legislative language permitting the president to build a border wall, but I'm wondering: Has anybody read the ...

Talking Down to the Blacks

A new study from Yale and Princeton shows that only white liberals are dumb enough to think they can appease black people by acting dumb around them. The study is called ...

City of Brotherly Love Lost

Last March, the Philadelphia city government ended its working relationship with two Christian-based foster care agencies. The point of dispute: The agencies affirm the ...

Occam’s Condom

If you’re a black woman living in Los Angeles County—as I’m sure many of our readers are—you are six times more likely than a white woman living in LA to have syphilis. ...

The Centrist Illusion

Like many of us, Michael Shermer is troubled by America’s increasing polarization. In a recent article in Quillette, “How Classical Liberalism Can Heal the Bonds of American ...

Diversity Bridge Is Falling Down, My Fair Lady

Well, that is damned inconvenient. A state-of-the-art pedestrian bridge hailed as the inevitably wondrous result of diversity in engineering has collapsed within days of being ...

The Problem With White Guys These Days

Hey, what the heck is wrong with white guys these days? It’s easy to find people eager to answer that question. I’ll spotlight four recent essays—two from white authors, two ...

Thomas Alva Edison

Lost Edisons

Should white men be blamed or thanked for inventing most of the technology that makes our lives better? A new study by Stanford economist Raj Chetty exploiting his unique access ...

Charles Manson

We Are All Charles Manson Now

Charles Manson, who for decades existed as an emblem of wide-eyed 60s idealism gone fatally wrong, died last week. Within moments, leftist scribes rushed to disavow him and to ...

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University

Dumb and Dumber

Are campus leftists getting dumber? It sure seems that way. For example, a black activist stabbed four students yesterday at the University of Texas, murdering one. That's just ...

How the Internet Made Us Authors and Most Authors Awful

In the spirit of the primped humility that is clitsch, "€œI"€™m not going to lie"€: A Black Mirror episode inspired this piece. We"€™ve heard the sound: the "€œso ...

Alexander Hamilton by John Trumbull

Bordering on Success

Donald Trump's era of influence may turn out to be a flash in the pan like that of previous celebrity politicians Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger. But he may also be ...

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

A Dummy’s Guide to Lowbrow Culture

After 9/11, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter declared "€œthe end of the age of irony."€ Now that politics has been taken over by a winner, we declare "€œthe end of the age ...

To Hell With Safe Spaces

Scene: The Cambridge University Union in, as I remember, 1958. The invited speaker, Sir Oswald Mosley, the former leader of the British Union of Fascists, got up to his feet. A ...

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