"Based Matt Forney" occupies the section of the alt-right Venn diagram where white nationalism, irreligious moralizing about sexual perversion, and Rooshian "men's rights" overlap. If you believe that rants against Jews seem incomplete when not accompanied by tirades against "whores" and "queers," then this is the corner of the ideological universe for you. Matt has always been very pleasant with me, and, in fact, I interviewed him for a previous column. Also, we"re Facebook friends, which allows me to take part in (or at least observe) the ongoing dialogue ...
Last week I discussed our present state of "peak topsy-turvy." It was a frustrating climb, but the reward at the top is we get to watch the "inmates who took over the journalistic ...
I do not believe the claims regarding the Boston Marathon bombings. I do not believe the Civil Support Team was an innocuous presence. I do not believe the astronomically unlikely happenstance that ...
Eight days after the massacre of 20 first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary, where each child was shot with a Bushmaster .223, The Nation’s Gun Show, the biggest east of the ...