Sometimes it’s beneficial to break down a bad argument. To dissect it, deconstruct it, disassemble it. Get to the heart of why it stinks. To put it more crassly, a dog turd looks bad enough on your front lawn. But bring it in the house, chop it up, examine it under a microscope? It looks much worse. Like that JD Vance argument for spreading fake cat memes. I ridiculed it a few weeks ago, but just generally. I’d like to go into a little more detail this week. In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, the would-be veep declared: The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald ...
This week’s dramatic events—Trump surviving being wounded by a would-be assassin quickly followed by his selection of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate—will focus attention on the ...
I have it on the authority of New York Times guest editorialist Norm Eisen that Trump's 34 felony convictions concern "profoundly serious" crimes. But one point I'm still not clear on is how Trump ...
In this season of giving, I'll donate to the Doe Fund, a charity that helps drug abusers and ex-cons find purpose in life through work. Doe's approach doesn't include many ...
This week sees the first anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s death on 8 September 2022 and provides an excellent opportunity to stop and reflect upon the many heartfelt ...
Politicians have big plans for us. President Joe Biden repeatedly says, "I have a plan for that." "I alone can fix it," shouted President Donald Trump. But most of life, and ...
There is, apparently, a saying in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the effect that anyone who says that he understands the Lebanon does not understand the Lebanon. I am ...
You know who probably got more tail than anyone in history? The first dude who was able to predict a solar eclipse. Think about it. “Today I shall blot the sun from the sky! If ...
This week, I present the parable of the bimbo Kansan. Bambi Bimbo leaves her Midwestern homestead to come to Hollywood. With her tight ass, toned tummy, pert breasts, and button ...
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 53 years on this earth, it’s to never interrupt a good mania. Because you can’t. Manias simply have to play themselves out. In ...
As a youth, I was privileged to personally observe Willis Carto in his prime. For those too young to remember, Carto was the QAnon/Alex Jones of the pre-internet era. His ...
“Hey, conservatives: I present to you a no-lose issue with broad-based appeal. Schools are teaching that biological sex doesn’t exist, ‘women’ are a social construct, and ...
Don’t Loughner me, bro. Remember Jared Loughner? He’s the nutbag who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and killed (among others) a federal judge and a small child. Loughner ...
Senate Republicans should offer to convict Donald Trump in return for Democrats agreeing to fund the wall. Trump is not going to run again anyway. In four years, he will be as ...
It's weeks like this that make me wish I had a job and didn't have to stay home watching TV. With the impeachment nonsense dragging into its 56th month, I have some random ...
Canada turns 150 this weekend, which is weird because it's only 37. The left is trying to make this aboot "a celebration of indigenous genocide" because they"re party ...