Rian Johnson's critically acclaimed Looper, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis as young and old versions of the same time-traveling assassin, asks the question: If ...
In 1966, Bruce Lee threw himself (literally) into the role of Kato, the Green Hornet's sidekick, when he costarred in a TV series based on the Silver Age comic book. Alas, the ...
The Master, starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix in a period piece very loosely based on the origins of Scientology, is a sumptuous viewing experience. Yet nobody ...
Robot & Frank is a clever little sci-fi dramedy about a semi-senile old coot whose concerned son buys him a robot as a valet and minder. The film is well crafted and timely ...
Are criminals in real life ever even one-tenth as fascinating as they are in Christopher Nolan movies? Can you think of a real criminal as intriguing as the late Heath Ledger's ...
You probably haven"t heard of Get the Gringo, a recent Lethal Weapon-like action movie starring Mel Gibson and directed by his right-hand man Adrian Grunberg. Mad Mel plays ...
I"m so old, I remember when Ellen DeGeneres was straight; Rosie O"Donnell wasn"t merely straight, she was the "Queen of Nice"; and Joan Rivers would never eat ...
"Sorry, I"m in makeup; if it's something important, call my agent, Israel Goldfarb." This is how I"ve been fending off the myriad calls from eager females trying ...
The Dictator is Sacha Baron Cohen's fourth and"surprisingly"funniest movie, a definite improvement over his biggest hit Borat. But critics, who raved in 2006 about how ...
In Tom Stoppard's 1982 drama The Real Thing, a middle-aged playwright and his daughter discuss Elvis Presley's death: Henry: I never went for him much. "All Shook Up" was ...
It was a bad weekend for Nicolas "The American in Paris" Sarkozy but a great weekend at the global box office for what the French sniffily call l"empire américain's ...
As female authors increasingly dominate popular fiction, they are confronted with whether or not to try and appeal to the remnant male market. The authors of this century's three ...
Metropolitan, the 1990 dramedy about a group of chivalrous preppies whose debutante ball after-parties are so articulate and decorous that they might have driven J. Alfred ...
The Iranian film A Separation, a domestic drama-turned-courtroom mystery, is among the most acclaimed of recent movies. It won a host of film festival awards, the Best Foreign ...
So Jewish people don"t run Hollywood after all? That was my first snarky thought when I heard about the flap between comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Talladega Nights) and ...
Although future behavioral taboos are notoriously hard to predict, it’s clear that within this decade America will end the use of chimpanzees in entertainment. I’ll go much ...