10 Things I”€™ve Learned About Writing For TV

The first thing you need to know about pitching TV shows is, you are not going to get a show. Television is 1,000 burn victims trying to seduce a supermodel; what was considered ...

Jeunet’s Micmacs: Amélie 2.0, Minus Audrey

Micmacs is an extravagantly ambitious blend of Charlie Chaplin's silent City Lights and Modern Times, Jacques Tati's clever but impersonal visual comedies, and Steven Soderbergh's ...

Shrek: Not So Popular with the Public, But a Hit with the Critics

Hollywood's clean little secret is that many people in the industry are not, at least by natural inclination, the utter shlockmeisters that their output would suggest. They are ...

Polanski’s Ghost Writer, and Americanising Britain

American culture has become so globally dominant that even the lamest U.S. customs, such as our soporific presidential debates, infect countries blessed with superior traditions. ...

Tom Ford: Too Stylish for Film?

Can a blackboard be beautiful? A liquor store car park? What about a sleeping bag? In Tom Ford’s hands the answer is always, “yes, darling”. When Colin ...

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