Pauper Patients

In the struggle between ideology and reality, ideology often emerges victorious—for a time only, however, reality being that which cannot be indefinitely denied. As Horace said, albeit in Latin, “Though you drive out Nature with a pitchfork, yet she will return, victorious over your ignorant confident scorn.” It is the same with all reality: It catches up with you in the end. For many years, the British population was indoctrinated by politicians into the belief that its National Health Service was a great triumph of social justice and efficiency, and that, without it, people would ...

Jab Jabber

We know the Cambridge Union just held a shameful, ugly debate on making all vaccinations mandatory, because someone had the foresight to film it and put it on YouTube. When you ...

The Prince and Princess of Wales

Start Your Cancer Journey Today

Kate Middleton’s latest video presentation, in which she runs through meadows while telling us how wonderful her cancer journey has been, is just about the most disturbing thing ...

Vax Facts

During the big health scare of the mid-1800s, vaccination became compulsory in Britain and parts of America, and, believe it or not, vaccine certificates were required for ...

Too Dumb for Harvard? Lemon’s Too Dumb for Twitter

Interviewing Elon Musk this week, former CNN host Don Lemon demonstrated the real-life consequences of affirmative action. Interestingly enough, Lemon himself is an affirmative ...

Elvis Presley

“Experts” Part II: The Dementia Guardrail Paradox

I grew up with a healthy skepticism of doctors. As anyone who knows the Cole origin story is aware, my biological father was the Beverly Hills surgeon/personal physician to the ...

Time Bomb

Social Security is toast. So is Medicare. Too many of us old people live longer, so there are not enough working people to support us. Soon both Social Security and Medicare ...

Crushing the Coronavirus Curve

For weeks, the coronavirus news has been paralyzingly bad, leaving President Trump, the Democratic candidates, and the media with little to offer in the way of pragmatic or ...

Coronavirus Crisis Is Trump’s Time to Lead

Not until well into the Democratic debate Tuesday night did the COVID-19 coronavirus come up, and it was Mike Bloomberg, not a CBS moderator, who raised it: "The president fired ...

Fat People Are Killing Us

Last Friday was World Obesity Day, and I celebrated by continuing to stay in shape. Every three years, excess body fat kills twice as many people than the Holocaust supposedly ...

Bad Medicine

Speaking before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the embattled ex-CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, Martin Shkreli, defended his choice to increase the price of ...

Vicodin Ingestion Syndrome

A major epidemic in America, which seems to me to have received rather less publicity than its scale would warrant, is the dramatic increase in the number of deaths in the country ...

Obamacare: Mo”€™ Money, Mo”€™ Problems

Last week, the Supreme Court decided we all have to buy government broccoli for $1.7 trillion. This is the analogy fiscal conservatives are using to describe the Obamacare mandate ...

My Mother the Nurse

Obamacare, Romneycare, Ryancare...are you up to speed on this stuff? Don’t look at me. As I’ve already confessed in this space, health is a topic in which I have no ...

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