The 2016 presidential primary season has kicked off with a veritable Rainbow Coalition of prospective candidates. Rubio and Cruz are all-in for the GOP, with Fiorina and Carson ...
It might be a naïveté stemming from my mere 34 years on earth, but is Ted Cruz not the worst charlatan since "Man of the People" Slick Willie slimed his way into the ...
I just flew back from Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach, and boy are my arms tired of the old narrative. I was on a panel with James O"Keefe and Sonnie Johnson called ...
“History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Mark Twain’s insight comes to mind as one observes the panic of Beltway Republicans over the latest polls ...
Media coverage of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference focused more on who didn’t appear than who did. This suggests that CPAC, as well as the ...
As the white flag rises above Republican redoubts, offering a surrender on taxes, the mind goes back to what seemed a worse time for conservatives: December 1964. Barry Goldwater ...
Were the average Republican asked for a succinct statement of his views on taxation, he or she might respond thus: “U.S. tax rates are too high for the world we must ...
Looking back all the way to America’s Civil War, there have been three dominant presidential coalitions. The first was Abraham Lincoln’s. With his war to restore the ...
A recent syndicated column by Michelle Malkin indicates what happens to interesting conservative commentators when they sign on as GOP flacks: They become predictable Republican ...
Would you vote for The Donald for president? Compared to Obama, anyone with sense would vote for him. Obama is a disaster, like Bush II before him. But what about Trump when ...
When a runaway hot-air balloon reported to be carrying a six-year-old boy made headlines last week, many were surprised to find out it had all been a hoax. Admitted the ...
It’s hard to imagine a Republican more useless than South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Whether spearheading legislation that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal ...
When Peter Brimelow was still at National Review, he wrote a piece entitled "Electing a New People" detailing how mass immigration is a disaster for the GOP. He opened ...
As was evident at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, it is deja vu, 1961, all over again. We have a young, cool, witty, personable president—and an adoring press ...
I thought Elizabeth Hasselback, the Republican Party's brain trust on The View, was a little simple. But, intellectually, she towers above the succession of vacuous, narcissistic, ...
For conservatives fretful over the future of the party to which they have given allegiance, How Barack Obama Won: A State by State Guide to the Historic 2008 Election reads like ...