If you dare to question whether Hillary Clinton is physically ill, her dutiful media maidservants will smear you as mentally ill. It matters not how many times she falls, how ...
Last week was not a very good week for Donald Trump's poll numbers. In fact, I had several Trump diehards"not bloggers or pundits, just private nobodies who are friends of ...
I don"t hate women"at least not all of them. But I hate a certain kind of woman, a kind that is depressingly prevalent yet woefully unacknowledged for fear of appearing ...
Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my ...
The big news of the day: Ted Cruz declined to endorse Donald Trump. Instead, he used his RNC address to deliver an extended passive-aggressive slight. Cruz urged delegates to ...
Neither George W. Bush, the Republican Party nominee in 2000 and 2004, nor Jeb, the dethroned Prince of Wales, will be in Cleveland. Nor will John McCain or Mitt Romney, the last ...
I have to admit, I"ve never minded being the only Jew in a room full of anti-Semites. To be surrounded by people who sincerely believe you have preternatural inborn powers and ...
After a contentious convention fight, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson has emerged the presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party. As a successful two-term governor, ...
The core of the Trump Phenomenon is the question of freedom of expression. Donald Trump has come to be seen by both his enemies and his supporters as the living embodiment of a ...
Should being a rapist disqualify a man from the nation’s highest office? What if he merely says mean things about chicks? From what I’ve been told, this is supposed to ...
“It’s a suicide mission,” said the Republican Party Chairman. Reince Priebus was commenting on a Washington Post story about Mitt Romney and William ...
If you strip away the swastikas and goose-stepping, The Producers is, at heart, a story about wresting success from failure. Max Bialystock is a Broadway producer who has lost the ...
Forty-eight hours after Donald Trump wrapped up the Republican nomination with a smashing victory in the Indiana primary, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he could not yet ...
Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America. The old order in this capital city is on the way out, America is ...
I went to a Bernie Sanders rally dressed as a liberal douche and it went exactly as expected. It was in Washington Square Park next to NYU and there were about 27,000 students, ...
We went to the Trump rally in (sorry, "on") Long Island Wednesday night and it was a blast. He chose Bethpage, which is a relatively blue-collar town, and the rally was in ...