The Care and Breeding of Docile Students

The American people have increasingly become docile and reliant on government largess. I see a parallel between this burgeoning dependency and the breeding of dachshunds.  The ...

Institutions of Higher Emoting

Recently I commented on a blunder by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, who suddenly wimped out after having proposed cutting 20 to 30 percent out of the state's allocation for ...

Che Guevara

Che it Isn”€™t So!

I started blogging in 2000. Two years earlier, Matt Drudge had blown the whistle (as it were) on Bill Clinton's Monica problem after Big Media repeatedly passed on the ...

How Black Studies Avoids Studying Blacks

Another day, another person fired from a prestigious writing gig for perceived racism. This time it's Naomi Schaefer Riley, who was recently fired from her position at the ...

Anglo Saxon helmet, British Museum

Old English v. New Elites

Intelligent people worry that our new “meritocratic” elite may become a hereditary caste. Charles Murray sees something ominous in the fact that for 25% of modern ...

Death of the Classics

My friend Daniel J. Flynn is publishing a book called Blue Collar Intellectuals. One chapter I’ve seen in proofs, “The People’s Professor,” got me to thinking about a ...

Character Sketches of Academic Loons

Having just retired from 40 years in academia and being mindful of the observation by communist-turned-conservative Whittaker Chambers that he had “not returned from Hell ...

What Shall We Do With the Kids?

Pretty much everything any politician says about education makes me want to go up to whoever said it, grab him by the suit-jacket lapels, and shake him forcefully up and down ...

Reading, Writing, and Rupert

The Briterati, as I call Britain’s media pontificators on matters spiritual and temporal, are in a spin over reports that parents no longer read to their children and that the ...

Campus Witch Hunts

Recently at a local college whose name I will not divulge, an act of "€œracial vandalism"€ occurred which the administration is naturally investigating. The college newspaper ...

College is a Waste of Time

A new book called Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses just proved what I"€™ve been screaming since I graduated: The college experience has become a total ...

Welcome Back, Kotter 2011

There are really two New Yorks. There's the one Giuliani cleaned up where you can walk around Times Square all night without running into so much as a jaywalker. Then there's East ...

Who Owns the Future?

“That speaks about who is going to be leading tomorrow.” So said Angel Gurria, secretary-general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Every ...

10 Unbelievable Things I Was Taught in College

It used to be a big deal to have a college education. Back in 1960, about 8% of the population had one, and this chosen few deserved their popularity in the job market. The baby ...

When in Doubt, Blame the Teachers

In case you haven’t caught any of the buzz about the movie, or seen Steve Sailer’s review, Waiting for Superman is a 2-hour documentary deploring the state of our ...

Bias and Bigotry in Academia

A decade ago, activist Ron Unz conducted a study of the ethnic and religious composition of the student body at Harvard. Blacks and Hispanics, Unz found, were then being ...

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