What if Charles Murray Is Right?

The extraordinary decline in the cost of sequencing a whole human genome, from $10 million in 2008 to $1,400 by late 2015, means that in the coming years science will almost ...

Trump U

Donald Trump is not the most scholarly American, but he could do education a bit of good. It's not even all that necessary for Trump to appoint effective administrators to key ...

Crevasses in the Classroom

Where are racial gaps in school test scores worst? Ironically, where liberals are most dominant. The new national database of school-district test scores created by education ...

Marco Rubio

A Campus Crock

To the average observer, the ongoing fight for the Republican presidential nomination is enough to make you hurl. Outside of Donald Trump's common-sense-laced rants, little ...

Higher Learning at an All-Time Low

Vermont senator Bernie Sanders is nipping at Hillary Clinton's two-inch heels in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination based largely upon his higher-education plan. ...

Obama’s Next Useless Subsidy

As if the country weren"€™t full of enough petulant, overgrown children. President Obama's new proposal to offer "€œfree"€ community college for two years to anyone ...

Doublethink v. SCOTUS

Last Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided by a 6-2 margin that the 2006 Michigan voter-initiated ban on racial preferences in college admission was ...

The War on Discipline

Since the 1960s we have spent trillions to uplift the bottom. All nostrums, whether liberal or conservative, free market or statist, have failed and there is nothing on the agenda ...

Teachers R Dum

My daughter recently received a Post-it note on her homework that read, “Your [sic] Awesome!” A year or two ago her teacher had written, “No merkers! ...

No Child Allowed Ahead

In my last column I fulminated about the calamitous effects of the feminization of the schools, of turning the school into an emotional infantile crèche aimed at the ...

Helsinki Cathedral and monument to Alexander II, Finland

PISA, Piece by Piece

With the release of new PISA test scores for 65 countries’ 15-year-olds this week, it’s worth taking a look at TIME reporter Amanda Ripley’s latest book The ...

Notes on the Pussification of America

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and ...

The Death of Elitist Sports

Where would college football be if games were played only every other year and coaches were unable to recruit enough freshmen to replace graduating seniors? In the last decade, ...

Let’s Not Let Boys Be Boys

As Michael Moore so aptly pointed out in Bowling for Columbine, the root of the American dilemma lies deep within the American psyche. We are a machismo-addled culture where ...

The Long Stomp Through the Institutions

Why is it that those who pride themselves on slaughtering sacred cows always seem to have a herd of them in their own barnyard? As a politically unaffiliated agnostic ...

Ban Schools, Not Guns

I blame the Burning Schoolhouse. Canadians are perversely proud that our most popular backyard firework is unavailable in the United States. More like a science-fair volcano than ...

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