There is nearly universal agreement that the opening salvo of the Obama Administration’s campaign to restore health to the financial system, delivered this week by new ...
So cheer up! Austin's essay on the distinction between "tragic" and "comic" libertarianism was sparked, I gather, from some email conversations between the two ...
“British jobs for British workers!” thundered Gordon Brown, as he emerged from the shadow of Tony Blair to become prime minister. His populist sloganeering has now ...
My popularity on television and the internet has led a very small money manager to use his popular financial blog to promote his fledgling business by attacking the recent poor ...
This week, in a speech before the London School of Economics, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke offered a perverse economic theory in his quest to gather support for never-ending Wall ...
A few weeks ago when the Fed announced a strategy designed to bring down long-term interest and home mortgage rates through unlimited Treasury bond purchases, government debt ...
It won’t come as a great shock to anyone that the current state of the financial markets shows that we’ve still quite a bit to learn about economics. While there were ...
I find the fact that Bernard Madoff is walking around free and smoking cigars an outrage. The press and media have reported that his two sons gave him away. That’s almost as ...
Like many pragmatic economists I have always warned that rapid expansions of government debt would result in inflation and higher interest rates. The explanation was always ...
I used to answer friends who told me something I’d said was tasteless (and they were right) with a quip like, “If you can’t joke about terrorism and cancer, what ...
Our representatives in Washington, alongside the easy-credit Federal Reserve and its Wise Leader, "Helicopter Ben," have essentially subsidized a rash of misguided ...
Is it fair that businessmen who fail in neighborhood stores have to close shop and often sell their homes, while Wall Street titans are spared the consequences of monumental ...
The Crash of 2008, which is now wiping out trillions of dollars of our people’s wealth, is, like the Crash of 1929, likely to mark the end of one era and the onset of ...
He might not want to say it out loud, but Barack Obama senses, no doubt, that this past weekend's financial meltdown will do much to boost his slumping electoral prospects. ...
One amusing aspect of the New York Times's coverage of the government takeovers of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is that throughout the Gray Lady's 2000-word lead essay, it's never ...