A Day at the Opera

I had my weekend nicely planned. Saturday: small catch-up stuff, paperwork, and household repairs. Sunday: Write a book review I’d promised for midnight deadline...oh, and ...

Heavy Petting

In 1957 the Australian sci-fi writer Bertram Chandler"€”probably the only person ever to have envisaged a future Australian Empire"€”published a short story titled The Cage. ...

White People Are Pussies

On a call-in radio program recently, we had been airing my infamous assertion in a Taki’s Magazine column back in April that white people should avoid large concentrations ...

Eat the Rich?

Ah, the rich. The rich, as used to be said of the poor, are always with us. What do we others, we non-rich in all our generality, think of them? I turn to America’s ...

Odds, Sods, & Gods

It’s been three months since I did a potpourri of unconnected items, so I shall indulge myself again. This may get to be a quarterly habit, I don’t know. Who can think ...

Si Jeunesse Savait, Si Vieillesse Pouvait

Back on July 19th I wrote about taking the family shotgun apart. Curious readers have been emailing to ask if I ever succeeded in getting the thing back together. Yes! The ...

Birth of a Civil War Buff

Growing up in England, one didn’t hear much about the American Civil War. England’s own Civil War loomed larger in our education and imaginations, though it had been ...

Things Fall Apart

Or if they don’t, we can take them apart. We do not want the bolt lock pin to be tight in the bolt. We want it to be tight in the bolt lock, or locking block.... Damn ...

NAMs Kill NAMs, and They Blame the Pilgrims

Back in 1982 a faction of Lebanese Arabs massacred Palestinian Arabs at two refugee camps in Beirut. The Israeli army, in the neighborhood at the time, was accused of turning a ...

Down and Out in Laos

It’s a slow news week and I’m temporarily out of outrageous opinions, so here are my recollections of being down and out in Southeast Asia in 1972. Apologies to George ...

Naples, Florida

Places White People Like

I hadn’t read The Smithsonian for years. Back in the 1970s I actually subscribed to it. That was in the days when Stephen Jay Gould contributed columns to the magazine. I ...

Embracing Unemployment

We had better start learning to embrace unemployment. There aren’t that many jobs anymore, and those that exist pay wages that barely make it worth getting out of bed: The ...

Napoleon Dynamite

My lifetime engagement with the pharmaceutical industry has been minimal. This, I know and regret, is un-American. Every red-blooded native-born citizen of this republic is an ...

Going out With a Bang Instead of a Whimper

As I was stuck in New York’s Pennsylvania Station (“lead us not into Penn Station...”) waiting for a commuter train home and mooching vaguely around in the news ...

Kathleen Ferrier

It’s My Column and I”€™ll Write What I Want To

Partly because I can’t find any large issues in the news about which I have a thousand words to say...partly because my poor brain has been turned to bean curd by yet ...

Émile Zola

Ridding Myself of the Day

I read a novel over the weekend. It was Émile Zola’s 1880 bestseller Nana. A few days previously I’d sat next to Tom Wolfe, the USA’s greatest living ...

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