In America, people do air travel like they"re going to a sleepover, bring kids to R-rated movies, and let their offspring run around restaurants like we"re all in the same ...
There is one group of people whom it is morally permissible to hate, and of whom in these times of speech codes it is allowed or even obligatory to speak hatefully: namely, the ...
When I was a kid, a “dude” was a cowboy who worked on a ranch and had an abiding fondness for his horse. I didn’t start hearing “dude” used as a ...
After all the progress we’ve made as a nation, it’s depressingly obvious that Americans still harbor a deep-seated hatred and fear of clowns. This shameful fact ...
Last night, I dreamed I had been kidnapped by Chechen terrorists, whom I shot in the cock before jumping off a bridge. My wife doesn"t want to be bored with the details of ...
With all the deintellectualization, deindustrialization, and dehumanization in the news it's easy to become numb. A looming battle with Syria for no sane reason, surrender of ...
It's easy to be arrogant about parenting before you become a parent. Here are some insane beliefs I had about parenting before I tried it. 1. I"LL NEVER WEAR A BABY ...
More than half the country says they think pot should be legalized. This is due in part to a brilliant PR campaign that frames cannabis as a valuable medicinal herb instead of a ...
My theory concerning the nature and provenance of laughter is both recently conceived and not at all dogmatic. It is also scientifically uninformed. It may even be wholly ...
Women say they are sick of the impossibly high beauty standards men ruthlessly impose upon them. They are tired of having to spend hours at the gym and weeks recovering from ...
If my kids turned out to be gay, I"d say, "Oh great, there go my grandchildren" and move on. But if my son turned out to be the guy at The New York Times who covered ...
In the otherwise forgettable movie Betsy’s Wedding, the chichi event planner swoons over a cake sample: “It’s so subtle you can’t even taste ...
Fifty percent of Americans think atheists are a pain in the ass. Only half as many dislike Muslims, despite the national hobby of raining electric death on Muslims the world over. ...
As part of my continuing series on the causes of the 60s, let’s consider Kevin Drum’s revival (”America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead”) in Mother ...
The upcoming presidential debates will likely sidestep details of immigration, employment, offshoring, or public safety. Instead, valuable minutes will be given to philosophical ...
One of the downsides of being special is that you feel out of place wherever you go. I don't understand half the stuff people like and I suspect they don't either. Take cigars, ...