The War on Comedy

An Asian dude walks into a bar. "€œPour me a jigger, nigger,"€ he says to the black bartender. "€œCome on, man,"€ the bartender responds, "€œthat's not cool."€ The ...

Idle Hands Do Time

Abolish prison and give everyone a gun. The end. Good night. Oh wait, that's not enough for a column? Okay, how about legalize drugs too? I"€™m not kidding. I know it sounds ...

Where Grandparents Go to Die

My goddaughter was Face Timing with her grandfather the other day and there was something eerily magical about the way he spoke to her. He's been having a hard time recently. ...

Hillary and Bill Clinton

All You Need to Know About Hillary’s Campaign

When our first black president was elected, people took to the streets to cheer. It was the first time that many of us felt genuinely proud of our country. Who would have ever ...

The Brain That Wouldn't Die

Losing Our Heads Over Full-Body Transplants

International Women's Day snuck up on me this year like a rapist in a dark alley. No time to trim the tree with red and white tampons, or stuff the (support) stockings with Diva ...

Martin Short

Parenting From the Grave

In Martin Short's autobiography I Must Say, he describes Stephen Colbert's fearless demeanor after roasting George Bush at the White House Correspondents"€™ dinner in 2006. ...


Often I have thought, or supposed, that there must be a single unifying explanation of all the woes or social problems of the Western world, if only I could find it. But I have ...

Puppet Heroines

So I was watching this old-timey western called Support Your Local Sheriff the other night. There's a scene where the female protagonist storms into the courtroom and demands to ...

10 Things That Suck About Being Rich

As a serial entrepreneur, I"€™ve created and sold many companies over the years. From a media empire to an ad agency (we had quietly sold Rooster NY a year before it was shut ...

Superman Is Boring

A common saying among Civil War buffs is: "€œPoor is the nation that has no heroes. Shameful is the one that, having heroes, forgets them."€ We"€™re quickly becoming a ...

Credit for Character

Recently I went from Paris to London for lunch, returning for dinner. This is made easy nowadays, though not necessarily cheap, by the Eurostar train.  I am not usually given to ...

The Trouble with Santa Claus

The average American family buys one or two presents for their kids and leaves the rest up to Santa. An informal survey I did among friends and coworkers comes up with 10% bought ...

In Defense of Evil

I was talking to a Jehovah's Witness the other day and found out their idea of heaven is the same utopia that liberals are trying to force us into. There is no conflict in ...

The Suffrage of the Insufferable

One of the merits of Christianity at its best is that it reconciles the infinite greatness of man with his infinite littleness. On the one hand man is created in the image of God, ...

A Sense of Others

Recently I violated my self-imposed code of conduct by appearing on television. It was for a so-called discussion program on which one of the subjects was the overdiagnosis of ...

The Parthenon

From Taboo to Common Sense

I"€™m sometimes accused of having created a vast secret corpus of sinister ideas that I keep carefully hidden away from the millions of words I"€™ve published. I"€™ve ...

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