Trust Your Neighbors

I hesitate to show myself in a good light"€”it seems so much more honest, somehow, to confess to being a complete swine"€”but the other day I did something that was ...

Assisted Dying Facility

The British Medical Journal reported last week that Dutch legislators are considering the extension of their law of euthanasia to old people who are not fatally ill but merely ...

Divorce Your Wife

As Louis C.K. says, "€œNo good marriage has ever ended in divorce."€ You made a go of it, but for whatever reason it didn"€™t work out. The solution is simple: end it. Life ...

Prince Harry

Psychobabble On

One of Britain's royal princes has revealed to tens of millions of his closest and dearest friends and acquaintances, via an interview in a newspaper, that he found the period ...

Look Around

A few years ago my wife and I planted some cherry trees on our land in France, and now they are in bloom. The strange thing is that I can stand and look at the blossom, if not for ...

Is That a Fact?

When I was young and writing history essays, I kept a store of useful quotations in my head, somebody else's words being a neat or at least easy way of kicking off. Likewise when ...

Those Sweet, Surly Bonds of Earth

Why is it that all our heroes inevitably try to kill us? From Winston Churchill to Albert Einstein, the people we laud the most were, at one point, responsible for great harm ...

Articles of Faith

We should all like to know why some people become terrorists, other than for the most obvious reason: that to kill, maim, and destroy, supposedly for a good cause or some ...

Reality Bites

"€œWhat we care about is permanent protection, dignity, and respect,"€ blurted out Alex Uematsu of the pro-illegal group Cosecha Movement on Tucker Carlson Tonight. ...

The Daily Special Olympics

Although France is on the same downward slide as Britain, you can tell that it has not yet descended quite as far because it did not win as many medals in the Olympic Games as ...

Orlando, Florida

Playing Gay in F-L-A

I just flew back from Orlando and boy are my arms tired of making out with gays. Well, one gay, actually. His name is Milo Yiannopoulos and I made out with him to annoy Muslims. ...

Joseph Haydn

High Drama at Haydn

Every year Joseph Haydn comes for a few days to the town in which I live when I"€™m in England. For about five days there are two concerts daily, and for me it is a great luxury ...

A Substantial Island

The first thing I noticed about the headline of a recent story on the Guardian website was its grammar: Nauru, Second refugee at Australian detention centre sets themselves ...

The Bubbafly Effect

Growing up in L.A. in the late "€™60s and early "€™70s, I certainly had my fill of hippies (and then some). And I have to say, the hippies of that time weren"€™t all bad. ...

Comedians: Doing the Jobs Happy Americans Won”€™t Do

Comedians hate Donald Trump with so much vitriol, it looks like they"€™re siding with Bernie purely out of spite. Obviously both sides have their supporters and it's not unusual ...

Bittersweet Charity

Having, like most journalists, made a career of lamenting the state of the world, I find that I am easily subject to feelings of guilt. To read the corpus of my work you might ...

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