Near Astor Place, you can actually sit in a Starbucks, enjoy a venti latte, and look out across the street onto"another Starbucks. I"m sure there are many other places ...
“Do you think you could turn the volume down on that war game you’re playing so I can least pretend that you’re listening to me?” So my beloved asked, very ...
“Will race be an issue in this campaign?” Hearing the cable talk-show host solemnly pose the question, I could not ...
There’s nothing to shake your residual faith in journalists than to see a news report of an event in which you took part, or read a media account of yourself (especially a ...
Kudos to Richard for nailing the hack agenda proposed by Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam in Grand New Party, and saving me $23.95 on something I would have hurled across the room. ...
In perhaps a new low in the ignorance, self righteousness, and over-sensitivity of African American politicians, two black officials in Dallas objected to the use of the term ...
In what is surely an "only in America" phenomenon, the most patriotic holiday of the year celebrates the overthrow of the government. That says a lot about this country, ...
Not until a year after Lexington did the Continental Congress muster the resolve to declare the 13 colonies free and independent states, no longer subject to Parliament or Crown. ...
Last week’s clash between Dr. James Dobson and Barack Obama is but the latest skirmish in a war that dates back to the time of Christ. At issue: What is Christian truth? Does ...
Freedom of the press is on trial in Canada. The trial is before a court with the Orwellian title of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. The accused are Maclean’s ...
Grant Havers’ post on a number of prominent learned Tories included a brief mention of one of my favorite modern philosophers, the Canadian George Grant, whose criticisms of ...
To say two men who live together and engage in sex can be married renders the idea and ideal of marriage meaningless. The court may declare it, but it cannot redefine an ...
To declare an interest, I should say that I have had some ancestors in this country, or more technically on this continent, for 370 years, one of whom helped found the town of ...
So ladies and gentlemen, if I say I am an Americanist you will agree. ~There Will Be Blood (modified) A few days ago, I saw the original story that reported the remark of ...
Richard hits on an important point when he writes: This is certainly true, but I think that Luttwak might be giving a bit too much credit to the Obamaniacs (not the undeceived ...