Madeleine Albright

Return of the Blackshirts

Benito lives! The Blackshirts are here. Fascism is on the march—at least according to Madeleine Albright, secretary of state under Bill Clinton and—in my book, having allowed ...

Teddy Kennedy’s Surprise For Grandma

This week, we’ll cover one of the little-noticed ways mass Third World immigration is making our country more colorful: elder rape. Usually the vibrant cultural diversity ...

Yo! Gwyneth! Shut Up!

NEW YORK—Several hundred emails pour in each week asking me about the Joe Bob Wellness Regimen. People wanna know, “How do you do it, Joe Bob? Glowing skin after a three-day ...

Smearing the Smearers

As I’m sure you’ve heard, two black dudes went into a Starbucks last week and claimed a table without ordering anything. And then they (yes, apparently both of them at the ...

Virtue-Signaling Yourself to Death

At some point in the early morning hours of Saturday, April 14, gay civil-rights lawyer David Buckel’s life went up in a little gay puff of smoke. As some sort of ill-conceived ...


Donald Trump: The First Jewish President? David Cole’s “Donald Trump the First Jewish President” touches on many if not most of the reasons the American Jewish ...

Dr Hans Asperger

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Yuckiest, Suckiest, and Starbuckiest Headlines BLACK PEOPLE GO TO STARBUCKS? In a racially charged story that has shocked our fractured and bleeding nation to its ...

Hugo Chavez

Revolutionary Thinking

There is compulsory entertainment almost everywhere these days, even in public lavatories. It shadows you like a secret policeman. I would dislike this even if I had not reached ...

Dealing With Cox

NEW YORK—Remember when the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, and other such useless gimmicks were supposed to usher in an era of transparency and knowledgeable bliss? These gizmos ...

Donald Trump: The First Jewish President?

Trump’s barely been in office a year and a half, but already his presidency has been analyzed to death, with every new diagnosis contradicting the last. Trump’s a “4D chess ...


Slavery: The Inconvenient Truth Highest complements to Mr. Wessels on his courageous and thought-provoking essay published April 3rd. I would enjoy reading a more in-depth ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Agonized, Balkanized, and Compromised Headlines REPORT: “CHILD” REFUGEES LIED ABOUT THEIR AGE It is not paranoid to suggest that the current “refugee ...

Circe and her Lovers

Poor Little Greek Girl?

As anyone who has ever tripped the light fantastic with a witch knows, Circe was not only a witch, she could also at times be a bitch, and a sorceress. She was, after all, the ...

Ghosts of Africa

Can 2018’s tsunami of DNA data on the origins of human biodiversity help explain the puzzle of why Americans tend to equate “diversity” with Africans, especially West ...

Dwarfs vs. Trannies

Black lives may matter, but some matter less than others. Poor Stephon Clark. He was so close to the sainthood that is bestowed upon any black person who’s shot by a ...

(Not) Guilty as Charged

And so to that rainy mecca of Western values, London. Or erstwhile mecca, I should say. The talk there is of the end of a reign of terror. Its queen regnant was a lady called ...

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