Flinging Poo at a Jew

As a child, the thing I found most startling about attending majority-black public schools was the fact that most of my fellow students had no idea what a “Jew” is. To them, I ...

Sarah Jeong

Rise of the Social Justice Dragon Lady

Last Wednesday The New York Times announced that it had hired 30-year-old Sarah Jeong as their lead technology writer, praising her “verve and erudition” and forgiving the ...


The Magical World of African Journalism Last night I threw the Magic Mouse bones. The long leg bone landed on top of the short arm bone next to three short bones. The skull landed ...

President Donald Trump

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Dumbest, Numbest, and Glummest Headlines TRUMP KEEPS CALLING PEOPLE DUMB It has been firmly established beyond the mildest whisper of a doubt that Donald Trump is the ...

Beyond Translation

The key to a successful career in any modern bureaucracy, it seems to me, is the mastery of and willingness to use a certain kind of language that is opaque and almost meaningless ...

Greece Overboard

On board S/Y Puritan—I’m sailing off the charred eastern coast of Athens where so many died last week, and I remain suspicious as hell. Fifteen or so fires starting ...

Ernest Hemingway with Lady Duff Twysden, Hadley, and friends. Spain, July 1925

Some Hemingway Stories

About 57 years and a month ago, in Ketchum, Idaho, Ernest Hemingway asked his wife Mary to sing an Italian song, “Tutti mi chiamano bionda” (“Everyone calls me blondie”), ...


Mamas, Don’t Let Your Theybies Grow Up to Be Cowqueers Here is the full definition of “gender” from Merriam-Webster, the edition that came out about 16 years ago. Not ...

John Cowell

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Kissable, Transmissible, and Impermissible Headlines “PROUD BOYS” FALSELY DRAGGED INTO OAKLAND STABBING MURDER Last Sunday night in Oakland, an 18-year-old ...

Ottessa Moshfegh

Stranger Than Nonfiction

Reading is the best antidote to debauchery I know of, and I’ve been hitting the books lately. History, mostly. Once upon a time I used to read novels. Back then I found real ...

Nothing Is Safe From Resentment

The grim corollary of what I have called human nature’s difficult need for esteem is that nothing is safe from resentment. For so vital is human pride, and so powerful our ...

Probiotics: Here, Drink Some Gut Slime

NEW YORK—Is probiotic a real word or did somebody make that up just to be a smart-ass? I mean, antibiotics I understand—pesticides for the body, they slide down your throat ...

Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right

The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s ...

James Gunn

Shouting “Pedo” in a Crowded Twitter

It’s baffling to me that some people still can’t grasp the simple notion that humor is subjective. I have friends—decent, smart people—who’ll say things like “[fill in ...

Mamas, Don’t Let Your Theybies Grow Up To Be Cowqueers

In the tiny sheltered pampered enclaves of coastal American cities, some parents are refusing to reveal their children’s biological sex to anyone—including relatives and the ...


London Squalling From today’s article London Squalling comes this gem: “ITS LIKE THEY SAY, SMALL HANDS…” Dear me, isn’t that an example of hand shaming? ...

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