Who the Hell is Manny Klein?

Perception and reality, truth and falsehood, black and white; nowadays the salivating chattering classes don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, as they used to say in ...

The Rwandan Model

A few years before the genocide, I traveled through Rwanda. It struck me then as having been, by African standards, a very well-organized country. You had only to look over the ...

Sex and ‘Mean Girls’ Politics

For centuries writers have depicted the weaker sex’s knack for using gossip and manipulation to pursue their ends. Research on women’s in-group relations confirms this natural ...

Diversity vs. Dignity

Do identity politics truly represent “the demand for dignity,” as centrist political philosopher Francis Fukuyama asserts in the subtitle of his new book, Identity: The Demand ...

The Day the Asians Turned White

In the Asian-Pacific community, the concept of “whitening” is hugely controversial. Double eyelid surgery, nose jobs, etc. But “whitening” can be both literal and ...

Colin Kaepernick

Same Old Slogan

The inspirational story of a backup NFL quarterback suddenly dominating headlines by championing black-power politics sounds like a dream you’d dream if you fell asleep during a ...

Tucker Carlson

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Terse, Diverse, and Perverse Headlines TUCKER CARLSON QUESTIONS DIVERSITY Anyone who understands what words mean realizes that diversity doesn’t signify ...

Serena Williams

Reading and Raging

A letter from a reader in South Africa mentions that the writer’s father insisted a white dinner jacket was permissible only in Palm Beach, Biarritz, or the Riviera. I agree and ...

Children of the Mob

It was a beautiful day in Paris for a demonstration, brilliantly sunny and not too hot, and the crowds were out: obviously bourgeois, prosperous, well-behaved, and not at all ...

It’s 5 a.m. for Burt Reynolds

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—If you party hard enough in Little Rock, you eventually end up at a converted warehouse deep down in the Arkansas River bottoms at the end of a gravel road ...

Holocaust Denial Triumphant

Two years ago, I penned a piece titled “Denial Is Dead.” The gist of it was that Holocaust denial is basically over. All of its leading intellectual proponents have abandoned ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Lyrical, Empirical, and Satirical Headlines SAUDIS BAN ONLINE SATIRE Saudi Arabia is a proud and noble kingdom known for throwing homosexuals from rooftops, ...

Greece Isn’t Back, but Taki Is

Some jerk know-nothing writes in an unreadable American newspaper that Greece is back—Athens, actually. He would; he’s an American who probably thinks that the lack of ...

Ariana Grande

The Incessant Pendulum Swing

The case of Ariana Grande and the bishop who was a little too familiar with her reminded me of my adolescence. In those far-off days, when even vulgarity was more genteel than it ...

Amateur Gossip Columnists Roaming Amongst Us

NEW YORK—So I’m riding the downtown E train somewhere between 34th and 4th when one of New York’s mentally deranged performance artists starts reading loudly from a tattered ...

Adolf Eichmann

Bland ‘Finale’

Operation Finale is a decently crafted, reasonably accurate retelling of the kidnapping from Argentina of Adolf Eichmann (played by Sir Ben Kingsley), the most notorious ...

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