For today’s sermon, I shall read the Parable of the Crip Who Slipped in Shit. My high school friend Mark was a hardcore gangbanger, one of the hundreds who “attended” our ...
The Week’s Most Divided, Misguided, and Lopsided Headlines BIDEN’S PAST BITES HIM IN THE ASS Joe Biden is an unnecessary politician from an unnecessary place named ...
There are lies, damned lies and statistics, said Disraeli; and I doubt that any of us have never misused a statistic in the course of a discussion, either wittingly or ...
As everyone knows, the definition of serendipity is searching for a needle in a haystack, and instead finding a farmer’s daughter. Not so fast, as they say. I live among farmers ...
NEW YORK—Seven miles down the road from the Supreme Court—about a 15-minute taxi ride—is a 40-foot concrete World War I memorial known as the Peace Cross. The existence ...
Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left Is Selling a Fake Race War is a timely and witty new book from Wilfred Reilly, a youngish black professor of political science at Kentucky State. He ...
Typically, when people use the phrase “a hill to die on,” they’re not speaking of a literal hill. So it’s a wonderful, terrible irony that the hill upon which science has ...
The Week’s Sleepiest, Weepiest, and Creepiest Headlines TAKE AMERICA’S HATS AGAIN In a national epidemic of “soft lynching” that seems designed to degrade and ...
A rare British species, a womanizing ex–foreign minister, kissed and told about his brief affair with a yellow-eyed temptress last week, and it brought back memories of a ...
Reason being the slave of the passions, as Hume tells us, no man can be rational and nothing but rational; but, what is less often noticed, no man can be entirely irrational, ...
Hold the presses! More Germans trust Vladimir Putin’s Russia than Trump’s United States. This is earth-shattering news, a scoop like no other. If this were 1969 the moon ...
I trust that some of my Takimag readers, following my writing as they do on Twitter, have read my recent appreciation for the Trump administration’s project of gay imperialism, ...
NEW YORK—Somebody finally found a decent explanation for why people under 30 are so goldurn grumpy. They’re not having sex. Kate Julian, a senior editor at The Atlantic, ...
When the national press trumpets its tales of white hate crimes, are the underlying realities more likely to turn out to be genuine examples of white racist criminality, Jussie ...
In retrospect, I should have stolen S.E. Cupp’s drink. It was June 2010, and Friends of Abe, the Gary Sinise-led organization of Hollywood “conservatives,” was having ...
I was born in 1961 and from my dim memories of TV fare in the 1960s, there were only two races in America: cowboys and Indians. Of the 30 top-rated TV shows in 1961 and 1962, a ...