Starting from absolute freedom, I arrive at absolute tyranny. —Dostoyevsky, The Devils The unexamined life is not worth living, said Socrates, but users of social media are ...
“Telling difficult truths,” Michael Mosbacher’s article published in Standpoint magazine on May 30, provides a good occasion for considering the value of the public-private ...
CHICAGO—We used to make fun of anybody who would be so arrogant as to put a byline on his own article. In fact, it was sort of the definition of weirdos in the newsroom: effete ...
Meghan Markle is doing such a good job at destroying the monarchy, she could be a foreign agent. The idea seems far-fetched, that the CIA would train a B-list Hollywood actress ...
The Week’s Most Retarded, Discarded, and Disregarded Headlines OPPRESSION THROUGH DODGEBALL, REDEMPTION THROUGH YOGA It’s highly likely that you are entirely unaware that ...
Chekhov says somewhere—I think it must be in one of his letters to young ladies with literary ambitions—that a writer can, or at least should be able to, write a story about ...
In Box v. Planned Parenthood, Justice Ginsburg quips that one of Justice Thomas’ footnotes to his opinion “displays more heat than light.” The description is equally true of ...
CLEVELAND—Back in my acting days, I always wanted to be cast as the boyfriend/husband/charming-stranger-from-out-of-town in a Lifetime Movie of the Week. Who wouldn’t want ...
What accounts for The Great Awokening that began in roughly 2013? Why did vast numbers of white Democrats suddenly subscribe to theories that only Grievance Studies majors took ...
Last Wednesday, The New York Times published a long feature article called “Madonna at Sixty,” which, if the title didn’t telegraph its theme clearly enough for you, focused ...
Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani—two brash New Yorkers as New York as New York can get—are planning to become residents of Florida. The president and the former mayor both ...
The Week’s Most Acidic, Hasidic, and Druidic Headlines NEW YORK STATE GIVES FREE VIAGRA TO SEX OFFENDERS If you are a convicted rapist living in New York State who’s ...
I am an admirer of ratcatchers; in my experience, they respect their enemies and love their work. I have never met a bored ratcatcher, or one who gave the impression that he ...
They were putting the finishing touches on the giant tent as I drove up to the Schloss Wolfsegg after an hour’s plane ride from Gstaad to a tiny nearby airport. With me were my ...
New York City public school teachers recently revealed that they have been instructed to reject "objectivity," "written documentation" and "perfectionism" by Schools Chancellor ...
NEW YORK—The goddamn foreigners are trampling the tulips in Bollenstreek. Yes, that’s what I said. Amsterdam has decided to stop advertising itself as a tourist ...