Opinion journalism in the respectable outlets has increasingly come to be dominated during the Great Awokening of the past half-dozen years by young Women of Color with soft major ...
According to authorities, 20-year-old Armando Hernandez, Jr. walked into a shopping center in Glendale, AZ last Thursday and started randomly firing his semi-automatic rifle at ...
The weather was fine—I do not remember a spring as fine as this, but perhaps I have never before had so much time in which to remark upon the weather. In Paris, however, they ...
Conservative nationalists in the U.S. are knuckleheadedly booting away their most persuasive case yet for rebuilding America’s industrial base: the shameful tale of how the ...
Journalists never accept gray areas where race is concerned. Flawed black men never get shot; there’s never an apportionment of blame. If a white kills a black, it’s always ...
I was born in 1961, so I know the stark differences between the old taboos and the new ones. And having watched the changes occur in slow motion, I realize that new taboos often ...
As is well-known by the naive, science is the disinterested search for truth about the empirical world. Vanity, greed, pride, rivalry, enmity, thirst for fame and other human ...
In a recent bombshell report by Business Insider, Whole Foods, Inc. was revealed to have a “racial diversity” monitoring program overlooking its 500-plus stores in an effort ...
In the last few weeks Ahmaud Arbery, like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray, has been put to a predictable use: advancing the liberal narrative of black victims of ...
The totalitarian nightmare of a prophylactic society is blurred by the stampede of spring. After 52 days of harsh house arrest, last Monday bars and restaurants opened in half of ...
I rarely feel sorry for professional politicians, especially powerful ones; after all, they have chosen their career and (especially in modern conditions) have generally pursued ...
The coronavirus hostilities are increasing, it seems. Last week, I called up Paul Gottfried about something he wants me to write for Chronicles. As soon as he answered the phone, ...
Life is here, and we must dance! This is a free interpretation of Hic Rhodus, hic Salta that the old pagan Goethe quoted. The wise Zorba always danced, both to celebrate his joys ...
In 2017, 158,000 Americans died from what we call deaths of despair: suicide, overdoses, and alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. This is the equivalent of three full 737 MAXs ...
When it comes to this whole COVID-19 hall of mirrors and how we possibly find our way out if this creepy carnival exhibit we’re trapped inside hoping it’s not really a cheesy ...
Compared with the slum dwellers of São Paulo who erect their own shacks in a day or two, the average French (or British) architect is a complete aesthetic illiterate and ...