In the biopic Mr. Jones, the insidious Peter Sarsgaard plays Walter Duranty, the sinister New York Times Moscow correspondent who covered up Stalin’s Ukraine famine of the early ...
The most likely process by which the current Black Moment will get canceled is the exact same way black radicalism got shut down in both the early 1970s and the early 1990s: As ...
There is no proposal so foolish that it has no advocates, or sometimes even its fanatics. If hope springs eternal in the human breast, delusion springs eternal from the human ...
The “Islamic Renaissance” that Sultan Erdogan campaigns for today has little to do with what the Christian world experienced centuries ago. Then, Europe unearthed the beauty ...
St. Paul famously wrote to the Galatians: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ ...
Walking through Paris yesterday, I saw the following slogan daubed on a wall: Coronavirus: Inequality Equals Comorbidity I doubt that this was done by someone completely without ...
Fascinating news from The New York Times this week! Reviewing its op-ed titled "I'm a Direct Descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Take Down His Memorial," I gather we now weigh ...
Before I finally watched Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s colossally popular Broadway musical depicting the Founding Fathers as rapping Men of Color, I had never heard that it’s ...
Remember a guy named Michael John Breen? No Googling allowed! No, you don’t remember him. On Oct. 25, 1989, John Glenn, senator, astronaut, and American icon (the previous words ...
It’s impossible to convince people that the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is an opinion rather than a fact in a world that long ago forgot the difference between opinions and ...
This year, as last, bees—tens of thousands of them—made their home between a window in my house in France and the shutters. We called a local bee-man and he came to try to ...
Tiberius, the Roman emperor of darkest fame, retired to the island of Capri. In the month of the heat wave, when the Dog constellation is at its zenith and Sirius shines brightly, ...
After race car driver Bubba Wallace’s NooseCAR debacle last week, it would have taken somebody truly dumb and publicity-crazed to breathe life into this week’s even more ...
It was very predictable that after months of house arrest and a 24/7 fear campaign, any spark would cause a fire that would be difficult to put out. The new barbarians are ...
If you were watching MSNBC last Sunday, you may have seen Imani Perry, professor of African-American studies at Princeton University, and wondered, as I did, Why do I know that ...
The years of antiwhite hate hysteria over nooses supposedly being planted by white racists to terrorize blacks will eventually induce some white guy to actually do it. But, ...