President Trump was ill with COVID-19; President Trump was treated with certain new and expensive drugs; therefore President Trump was cured by his treatment with those new and ...
“Why Is Wokeness Winning?” asks veteran pundit Andrew Sullivan, recently fired by New York magazine for distressing its more fragile younger staffers by thinking for ...
L’amor che move le stelle The great Italian poet Dante Alighieri believed the universe to be moved by Love. There are those who do not believe this, though. After the fall of ...
As every journalist and lawyer knows, it takes about half an hour to become an expert on any subject. In the days when I wrote for some of the less cerebral but well-paying ...
Establishment voices are finally, grudgingly admitting that murders and shootings are up spectacularly in 2020. But the reasons, they all agree, are immensely complicated and ...
During my recent period of quarantine in England, I was surrounded in my study by piles of books that I have always intended to read before I die. Even this modest ambition is ...
The more we get lectured about White Supremacy, the even less supreme whites get, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Is this merely because whites are losing power ...
Last month, a loyal reader called me out on my critique of Ron Unz’s position on race, immigration, and the 2020 Summer of Hate. Unz’s view in a nutshell is that the riots and ...
It is difficult enough for people to say what they mean, but it is even more difficult, at least for some of them, to mean what they say. Moreover, some people neither say what ...
You might think that Isabel Wilkerson’s best-selling book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents might be timely because Kamala Harris is descended both from a high-caste Brahmin ...
With summer 2020 finally in the rearview mirror, and after seven months of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” I’m getting a little sick of “the science.” Not science, ...
My understanding of economics must be deficient, or else my personal experience of the world is misleading. Both are possible, of course: None of us can experience more than an ...
Center-left Vox pundit Matthew Yglesias’ new book One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger is actually two contradictory polemics. The book is both a sensible call ...
Exactly fifty years ago last month I was lolling by the pool of the St. Georges Hotel in Beirut surrounded by bikini-clad women of uncertain virtue, spooks, pimps, journalists, ...
One thing I will grant American blacks: Despite the overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary, they still seem to believe that white people are their biggest threat and ...
Sometimes, like little Greta Thunberg, I long for the days when people had fewer possessions and cared for those few that they had. For example, they would have only a small ...