Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles

40 Acres and a Mall

Sometimes you chase the story, and sometimes the story chases you. Two weeks ago I’m walkin’ through Century City, the business, residential, and dining district adjoining ...

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The New Amsterdam

Armed with the necessary certificate to justify my journey from France to the Netherlands, my presence in the latter country having become “indispensable,” I spent a couple of ...

The Real and the Bogus

When I read that several staff at Random House Canada had cried during a meeting to discuss the publication of Jordan Peterson’s new book, supposedly because of how the author ...

Are We What We Watch?

When reviewing movies, I’m less interested in propounding whether or not a film is, in my opinion, good than in explaining which types of people would find this a good film. As ...

The Decline of Cultural Understanding

Two friends in Paris invited us to dinner recently and then thought better of it. The problem was not that it would have been an illegal gathering, but that the woman in the flat ...

Joseph Brant

Have a Historically Accurate Thanksgiving!

As every public school child knows, the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when our Pilgrim forefathers took a break from slaughtering Peaceful, Environmentally Friendly, ...

The Cloud Gate, Chicago, IL

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Six months into the Racial Reckoning, it’s timely to review A Peculiar Indifference: The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America by a conventional liberal criminologist ...

St. Pancras Station, London

In the Euston Road

Traveling between England and France recently was a profoundly depressing experience. First I had to get to Euston Station and then walk the few hundred yards to St. Pancras ...

Liars and Maligners

I would like to think that nothing human is alien to me (as the Roman playwright and former slave Terence put it), but it is not quite true. I draw the line, for example, at rap ...

Odd Jobs

When I read that the United Arab Emirate’s Minister of Tolerance had been accused of sexual assault, I could not help but smile. The account of the assault itself, if true, was ...

Lessons From an Old Soldier

White people everywhere, including my own children, are being encouraged, in some cases compelled, to acknowledge guilt for the cardinal crime of being born white. An entire ...

Donald Trump

The Trump Review

Being a Wednesday-morning columnist is a good gig, except the day after Election Day when nobody will be interested in whatever statistics I’d researched on Monday. So, having ...

Immunity for the Speech Suppressors

November 3rd...election day. There’s not much a man of my years can do at a time like this but think back to elections past. And at the moment I’m thinking of Friday, November ...

Casablanca 2020

If you thought comedy was dead because of woke hysteria, fear no longer. Hollywood has come to the rescue. The Academy—a misnomer if there ever was one—has decreed that a ...

Bar Talk

Everyone knows what to do about the COVID epidemic—except, of course, those who happen to be in charge. They are floundering like a fish newly landed on the deck of a boat. But ...

Violent Victimizations

With the conventional wisdom increasingly prejudiced and extremist on the question of who are the Good Guys and who are the Bad Guys, how much longer can we expect the federal ...

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