Ezra Pound by Wyndham Lewis

Whatever Happened to the “Man of the Right”?

“My goal is to save the public soul by first punching it in the face.” —Ezra Pound The main failure of the rise of the conservative right in America has been its fear of ...

Sir Stanley Matthews

Football Fancies

Sometimes I think of football (soccer), though I have no interest in it. This is because it obtrudes itself on me and is of great cultural significance. I once worked it out that ...

Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart

Wokewashing White America

Radical liberal activists are in your head. They’ve conquered what passes for “mainstream media.” They’ve infiltrated Hollywood, social media, academia, and the Democratic ...

If Black Lives Mattered…

During the Black Lives Matter era, the number of deaths by murder in the U.S. has increased over 40 percent in the years 2014 to 2020, with several thousand more incremental ...

A Hunger for Literature

The mice in my absence have been at my books again, with what Marx called, with regard to the manuscript of his then-unpublished Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German ...

Killer Stats

The results are now in on The Establishment’s vast gamble of declaring 2020 to be the year of the Racial Reckoning. Did sacralizing Black Lives Matter as our culture’s highest ...

Life’s a Boar

On Christmas Day I sat by the fire in my house in France and read a charming little book, Tea With Walter de la Mare, by Russell Brain, published in 1957. Walter de la Mare, who ...

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris recently tweeted: "Our Kwanzaa celebrations are one of my favorite childhood memories. The whole family would gather around across multiple ...

CDC: White Lives Matter Less

I’ve been pointing out for some time now that the acronym for the fashionable keywords Diversity-Inclusion-Equity is DIE. But I didn’t mean for the federal Centers for Disease ...

Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett

Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett Presents “Wacky Vaxxers!”

If I were Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, I’d cool it with the boasting. I’m a bit more weathered and wizened than the 34-year-old immunologist currently being touted as the “curer ...

Pick Your Pronoun

Most of the time that I have spent informing myself about the world we live in, with only partial success, has been wasted, at least as far as practical effect is concerned. ...

’Tis the Season for Unreason

NEW YORK—Here we go again, the annual holiest of holies is upon us, although to this oldie last Christmas feels like it was yesterday. Funny how time never seemed to pass ...

Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero

Hey, guys, I found out the true facts in the Breonna Taylor case! Remember the "botched raid" (New York Times) on Breonna's apartment in Louisville, Kentucky, last March, when ...

Let’s Be Over and Done in ’21

It’s only natural to be frightened of getting a needle stuck in your arm loaded with a novel vaccine developed at such a pace that few besides the optimistic President Trump ...

All the World’s a Stage

By choosing a black actress to play the part of Anne Boleyn on a television series about the life of Henry VIII, the production company has, no doubt unwittingly, demonstrated how ...

Herman Mankiewicz

That Touch of ‘Mank’

The best movie comedies of the 1930s were largely written by former newspaper reporters who had also tried their hand at writing for the New York stage before being seduced by ...

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