I have noticed that, in all the acres of commentary (most of it respectful or even laudatory) on the wrapping of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris with 25,000 square meters of ...
As with Robert Frost's two paths diverging in the woods, the COVID pandemic has hit a fork in the road. Back in 2020, when the virus first presented itself, anything could be ...
The sudden crossing of the Rio Grande river at Del Rio, Texas, by 15,000 Haitians is a reminder that the most prophetic novel of the last half century was the late Jean ...
“Sometimes, doctor,” a patient of mine once said to me, “I feel like the little boy with his finger in the dyke, crying wolf.” That is a pretty good summary of how I feel ...
My ancestors were Presbyterian abolitionists who fought on the Union side, but I get really ticked off when imbeciles take a sledgehammer to my country's history. Last week, with ...
Why is it so hard to predict the future? For example, why didn’t the Biden Administration guess that few soldiers of the now-defunct Afghan National Army would feel like ...
When Larry Elder announced his candidacy in the goober-natorial recall election, I had a gut feeling that I’d be hearing from the media. Larry and I used to be close friends ...
I went recently to a lecture about fintech, a subject of which I knew nothing (it is always tempting to go only to lectures on subjects that you already know about and that ...
In honor of the 20-year marker of the 9/11 attacks, I thought I'd run excerpts from a few of my post-9/11 columns. One point I politely refrained from making 20 years ago: Why ...
After a pandemic pause, momentum in behavioral genetics is once again building, threatening to undermine confidence in the conventional woke wisdom. Now, I’ve been warning ...
There’s a pleasure in the downfall of sages, gurus, and moralists that is, unfortunately, part of the makeup of Man. Those whom we delight to place on a pedestal we delight ...
How seriously should whites take the ever-increasing levels of racial hate expressed toward them in outlets such as The New York Times and Washington Post? Perhaps the fad over ...
If I were a Marxist, I might be tempted to say that the obligatory switch to electric cars is a conspiracy of the rich against the poor to enslave them yet further. (By the poor, ...
I’ve spent most of the summer sailing around the Greek Isles and reading up on the Spartans. Why the Spartans? Well, both of my mother’s parents were Spartans, and their ...
In honor of my upcoming 53rd birthday, I’m launching a two-part (or three...haven’t decided yet) series on the changing face of my native city. I’ve never understood why ...
Nearly a century ago, in 1925 to be precise, the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig wrote an article for a Berlin newspaper titled “Making the World Uniform.” It began: Despite the ...