Elder Rape is a Strength!

As part of the Biden administration's push to make everything worse and more expensive, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) -- not to be confused with Congress, ...

Pantheon, Rome

‘Gladiator II’: A Rightful Heir

Sir Ridley Scott’s 2000 movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe as the hero Maximus has been one of the more unexpectedly culturally influential films of the 21st century. Americans ...

Salmonella, Delivered!

You need to start taking semen more seriously. As in, not wanting to ingest it. Unless, of course, that’s your thing. But enough about Nick Fuentes. An unfortunately common ...

Primed to Hate

Speech is silvern, said the old proverb, but silence is golden; and notwithstanding the recent disgraceful attacks on free speech, I more often find myself longing for freedom ...

A National Health Disservice

The National Health Service is worshipped by the Brits, not least those who don’t have to queue up to use it. But when you subject it to scrutiny, it soon reveals itself to be ...

Thank You, Property Rights!

As we gather this Thanksgiving, it's easy to take abundance for granted. Leftovers are practically guaranteed. It wasn't always this way. For most of history, there were no ...

The Dems’ Thanksgiving Story Deserves to Be Known

This Thanksgiving, Democrats can be thankful that they have scores of deluded scribblers making excuses for Kamala Harris' blowout loss to a man they've spent years calling a ...

No Rest for the ‘Wicked’ Audience

Your opinion of the hit movie Wicked: Part 1, a 160-minute extrapolation of the 90-minute opening act of the Broadway musical Wicked, depends upon your answer to the question: ...

No Love Lost

Some people keep reading matter in their lavatories, though whether for their own benefit or that of their visitors I have never been able to determine—nor have I ever asked. I ...

Colossi of Pharaoh Ramses II

Race and Rome

Men like thinking about the Roman Empire. So, should Sir Ridley Scott have cast Denzel Washington as the bisexual bad guy in his new movie Gladiator II? Is it historically ...

Kamala’s Absurd Ovary Actions

In ancient Greece, women weren’t allowed to vote. This wasn’t mere bigoted, reasonless, irrational male sexism: It was based on actual biology. Participation in the public ...

Swear by It

These days, people of supposedly high caliber, or at least of high position, have difficulty in distinguishing vehemence of expression from depth of feeling, or even of thought. I ...


Honesty at last from the medical profession and Big Pharma as a new law proposed in Britain will allow doctors to prescribe a pill specifically to kill you. Up until now you ...

So, What Happened?

This is the time when every pundit explains that Kamala Harris lost due to this thing he saw coming first. So, now’s my turn. Before explaining how I was right all along, let ...

Britain’s Lynch Mob Mentality—for Whites

Highly surprisingly for a far-left regime, the current U.K. Labour Party Government has just achieved the key stereotypical right-wing aim of bringing back hanging. But only for ...

Martian Orders

A long-lived creature from Mars, who had paid the earth visits over several centuries, would be very much struck by modern man’s thirst for, or indifference to, ugliness. He, ...

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