Tár is a strong art-house drama for older audiences about a #MeToo scandal in the arts that cleverly buys itself the right to be moderately sympathetic toward its ultimately ...
As the 2022 soccer World Cup finally ends over in the Gulf state of Qatar, it brings to a conclusion three weeks of not only sporting action but also, much less entertainingly, an ...
The British media are much like a magician who waves his free hand to distract the audience while he pockets card or coin, unseen, with the other. Presently, you would think Fleet ...
“I like Hitler,” said Kanye West (now Ye) to approximately 15 million people on Alex Jones’ Info Wars last week. Jones tried to defuse the situation by clarifying Ye’s ...
One of the most astonishing things about the woke is their high boredom threshold. They seem to have the same thoughts about the same subjects, expressed in the same language, all ...
In these willfully ignorant times, the powers that be seem, in their haste to be politically correct, to forget that America fought its bloodiest war to end human bondage. Almost ...
Financial collapses are interesting and sometimes hilarious for those who observe them, but painful for those who suffer them. In addition to the economic discomfort or hardship ...
What if I’m right about how the world works? What policies would that imply? My basic insight is that the world actually is pretty much what it looks like, loath as we may be ...
Thank God I don’t understand cryptocurrency, otherwise I should have lost all my money ages ago, and probably my house into the bargain. I do know one or two people who made a ...
With the World Cup starting this Sunday, I realized that after decades of complaining, I’ve finally made my peace with soccer. Like many Americans, I always felt that the ...
One evening a couple of weeks ago, I happened with my wife to be walking past the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in Westminster, in London, while there was a small but noisy ...
This column’s posting the day of the midterms, and that’s all anyone’s gonna want to read about. But I’m more of a postmortem guy than a prediction guy (I gave up doing ...
Perhaps it is because of my age that I am coming to resemble Roderick Usher and his abomination of noise (not that I ever liked it much), despite the fact that, according to a ...
In the mid-1800s, Great Britain engaged in two wars against China’s Qing dynasty. The conflicts began when the emperor attempted to crack down on the illegal opium trade that ...
With elections a few days away, crime statistics are finally being widely discussed in the press. So...I’m not going to pass up one last chance to deluge you with new graphs ...
I’m not sure l’affaire Yeezy deserves a second consecutive column...but its lessons certainly do. Because the lessons are so cut-and-dried. Kanye West committed the cardinal ...