Judging by the hijinks and makeup on display at the recently-concluded World Cup, soccer, of all sports, certainly has the most crazed fans. Good for them. But I find it almost as ...
In April, I noted that television ratings indicate that sports audiences skew Republican and entertainment audiences Democratic. "Which is more useful to control for ...
Every year, AskMen.com comes out with a list of the “top 99 most desirable women.” They are allegedly chosen democratically: they claim six million votes were tallied ...
Plus, Australian crime thriller Animal Kingdom, The Bolshoi Ballet, Talking to Girls About Duran, and more culture to devour this week Manly Pursuits: The Sporting Images of ...
The limited-release comedy The Kids Are All Right has driven critics into paroxysms of praise. For instance, the normally low-key A.O. Scott enthused in the New York Times as ...
Noam Chomsky's new book, Hopes and Prospects, leads me to a conclusion that will startle his admirers and critics alike: Chomsky is a conservative. It might surprise him as well. ...
Plus, Olivia Munn makes you laugh (until you cry), Pitchfork launches a new music blog, and Australia celebrates winter Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, London, through October ...
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is visiting us here in Manhattan this week. As I write this, she has just got through delivering an address to the U.N. General Assembly, 16 of ...
Believe it or not, it's worth comparing a current box office smash—The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, a Mormon teen vampire romance—to a dud—Knight and Day, an ...
There have been many signs of the apocalypse as of late. We have a war in the birthplace of the Lord as was foretold in The Omen III, Global Warming is causing sheep to shrink as ...
Plus, Helen Mirren gets her sex on and Louis C.K. stages a comeback La Maison Jean Cocteau La Maison Cocteau at Milly-la-Forêt is open to the public after five years and ...
Something happened to British architects after the Second World War. Rugged Howard Roarke-like geniuses and obscure mediocrities alike shared an aesthetic that, for some reason, ...
Plus, The Railway Children come to Waterloo and the Blue Boat goes up for auction She & Him Unlike, say, Lindsay Lohan, Zooey Deschanel can act, write songs, and sing. She ...
We WASPS have a long tradition with the London "Season." The Chelsea Flower Show, Royal Ascot, Wimbledon, Henley, Glorious Goodwood in mid-summer, it's very old hat to us. ...
We need to do our part to let BP know there are consequences for causing something like this… The more costly their punishment, the more money they will spend to make sure ...
A remark by Richard Brookhiser in April in a syndicated column in the New York Post about “how we"re all WASPs now” made me realize that Brookhiser's statement ...