Beyond the Hubbub of Aaron Sorkin’s The Social Network

In the Internet Age, an increasing fraction of media "€œcontent"€ is generated by young nobodies, much to the disgust of old pros, such as screenwriter Aaron Sorkin of TV's ...

Anish Kapoor Visits Kensington Gardens and Hamptons Film Fest Kicks Off

Plus, Neruda's life gets the operatic treatment, a docu exposes Springsteen's creativity, and a politician rocks ...

Viva Christianity!

Albert Einstein's damning-if-quirky verdict on Marie Curie's character was that she "€œhas the soul of a herring."€ I am reminded of his words every time I hear yet another ...

On Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative

Something called the Clinton Global Initiative has been brought to my attention by an AP dispatch dated September 21st entitled “Bill Clinton: Economy, disasters imperil ...

Beyond the Burqa: America’s Role in Regulating Taste

France's recent "€œBurqa Ban"€ has provoked all the global indignation and murderous outrage one would have expected. Pointed observations on the irony of a liberal democracy ...

When in Doubt, Blame the Teachers

In case you haven’t caught any of the buzz about the movie, or seen Steve Sailer’s review, Waiting for Superman is a 2-hour documentary deploring the state of our ...

American Boarding Schools: No Boot Camp For Boys

As the herds of wildebeest migrate in October and November, when the short rains come, from the grasslands of the Masai Mara to the breeding grounds of the Ngorongoro Serengetti, ...

Guggenheim’s Waiting for “Superman” is Shoddy Filmmaking at Best

Davis Guggenheim's much-publicized documentary with the meaningless title of Waiting for "€œSuperman"€ makes the (by now familiar) liberal centrist case for school reform: ...

David Sedaris”€™ Animal Tales, D.C.’s Gay Art, and Ari Onassis on the West End

Plus, Ben Harper's new super group, a spellbinding John Lennon biopic, and London's Fetish ...

Diversity Down Under

May I quote myself, please?  Thank you. The remarkable thing about the Diversity cult is that all the circumstances of the actual human world refute its tenets, wherever we ...

Ben Affleck’s The Town is a Perfectly Executed Heist

The Town, set amidst the fading (but increasingly fashionable) Irish-American underclass of Boston's gentrifying Charlestown neighborhood, is a model of crime genre filmmaking, ...

The Prat Collection in Sydney, Matt & Kim’s Sidewalks, and Jenny Slate’s Marcel

Plus, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Ryan in Jack Goes Boating, Jazz at Lincoln Center travels to Cuba, and Oktoberfest takes over Munich Museum of Everything, Exhibition 3, ...

The French Problem

Is this a Jewish joke or a Gypsy joke? What do you get when a Jew and a Gypsy go into business together? A chain of empty stores. About fifteen years ago, a friend of mine ...

The Venice Biennale Gone Evil

Avant-garde is an epidemic.  From modern architecture—an added misfortune, like a hunchback struck down by elephantiasis—there is simply no escape, as its creedal ...

The Great Machete Meta-Joke Fail

After the Euro-ennui of The American last week, Robert Rodriguez's Machete sounded pretty entertaining: heroic illegal immigrants driving bouncing lowrider cars slaughter the evil ...

Stephen Hawking: The Gimp Who Would Be God

As if it were the center of the frickin"€™ universe, celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking's new book The Grand Design rocketed atop the publishing cosmos and reached #1 on Amazon ...

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