Tea Party’s Winning Hand

Other than being the highest-profile Republican victims of Tea Party candidates, what do Mike Castle, Charlie Crist and Arlen Specter have in common? Other than being tea party ...

Election Eve 2008: A Bad Night to be White in Harlem

Two years ago, I was invited to an Election Eve party in Harlem. I found New York was vibrating with premature praise for our Savior. Centuries of cruel white hegemony would ...

From Baby Boom to Bust

Barack Obama's election was an anomaly, a lurch backward. It defied the apparently inevitable and stood athwart history crying, "€œStop!"€ It has been clear for at least ten ...

missing asset:https://www.takimag.com/images/uploads/Delph.jpg

Time Alone With the Boys, Feeling Stalked, Pregnant Harpy, and Lush Wife

Dear Delphi, I am a 26-year-old boy and have a great girlfriend I really like. The problem is, I want to have some time with the boys but I can"€™t seem to manage. This is how ...

127 Hours of Hollywood Hokum

The exuberant 127 Hours, Director Danny Boyle's first movie since winning the Best Picture Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire, is surprisingly comparable to The Social Network. While ...

The Drifting Capital of Terror

The printer cartridge bombs which nearly blew up U.S.-bound commercial jets have turned Sana"€™a, Yemen, into the new world terror capital. Terror, which the United States ...

Diagnosing “€œPassover Syndrome”€ Among White Liberals

There's something to be said for the almost universal leftist tendency to ignore unpleasant facts in favor of smearing their opponents as mentally ill. Not only is it far easier ...

Dash Snow

Cool Culture = Death Culture

Seminal punk legend Ari Up just died. She sang for The Slits, had dreadlocks down to the floor, and is credited for helping put women on the punk map. She also followed the ...

The Ghosts of November

Now comes the morning after, and a surly nation sweeps up its mountains of badges, posters, and lies before carting them all off to the curb. It wasn"€™t much of a party, but we ...

Flirty Baristas, Amorous Exes, Freeloading Friends, and Feeling Fat

Dear Friends, From..."€œWill I confuse my boy dog if I dress him up like a girl dog? I think the girl dog clothes are so much cuter and just can"€™t help ...

Ethnomasochism – The Musical!

Well, not really a musical, nor even the lyrics to a musical. The piece under discussion is, though, definitely not plain prose; so musical-wise, we have the beginnings of a start ...

Bunky Mortimer’s Upper Class Guide to Drinking

Yes, I"€™m a recovering alcoholic and haven"€™t touched a drop in some time, but whom would you choose to give advice on boozing"€”a water-drinker? Let me deal with that ...

The Murderers of Christianity

Sunday, on the eve of All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1, 2010, the faithful gathered at the Assyrian Catholic Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad. As Father Wassim Sabih ...

Four Lions: Truth is Even More Retarded Than Fiction

In WWII and the Cold War, we faced enemies the caliber of Wernher von Braun and Andrei Sakharov. In the War on Terror, however, a strikingly large fraction of Muslim would-be ...

The Trouble With Islam: Inbreeding

In Irshad Manji's book The Trouble With Islam, she blames a random group of desert fanatics for hijacking Muslim culture and taking it from an intellectual religion of peace to a ...

Lauren Booth Turns Toward Mecca

Last month, Tony Blair's half-sister-in-law Lauren Booth announced that she had converted to Islam following "€œa holy experience"€ in Iran. It was the latest ...

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