Now is the winter of our discontent Made ever more wretched by this lack of sun. Caught in a blighted, anarchic winter's grip, Britain is beset by swine flu, influenza B, H2N3, ...
The night Obama was elected, the streets around my Brooklyn home were hysterical with glee. People were climbing up streetlights and screaming "OBAMA!" at the top of their ...
Did anyone catch that movie last Sunday morning at ten on the TCM channel? If you did, you are probably still thinking about it like I am. If you missed it, you have a second ...
Jared Taylor is the founder and editor of the American Renaissance website and monthly newsletter, offering news, reviews, and opinions from a race-realist perspective. AR‘s ...
Dear Delphi, I am a father of three sons and am having two of them with their children and wives over for Christmas lunch. I really do not want to invite my third son, but I ...
After I recently savaged Rich Lowry's syndicated review of Deirdre McCloskey's book Bourgeois Dignity, Professor McCloskey indicated that I have no right to discuss her work until ...
Casino Jack is a consistently amusing biopic starring Kevin Spacey as the manic, bull-necked Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who recently spent three and a half years in prison ...
Plus, Sofia Coppola's latest and the Duchess of York gets the E! True Hollywood ...
Semper ubi sub ubi. "Juvenal When Dorothy Parker said, "Brevity is the soul of lingerie," I don"t think she anticipated to what extent the modern woman would ...
I read an article the other day in The Huffington Post by Aaron Sorkin, screenwriter of A Few Good Men, The West Wing, Charlie Wilson's War, and more recently, The Social Network. ...
"I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: ‘Try being rich first,’" Bill Murray once said. "There’s not much downside to being ...
Dear Delphi, I cheat on my wife almost every time I go on a business trip. I feel badly, but I can"t seem to stop. I think I should tell her. What do you ...
On Friday, I was shocked like the rest of America to learn that Richard Nixon had been taped in the Oval Office subscribing to a stereotype: "The Irish can"t ...
Plus, new songs from Michael Jackson, a "Green Hornet" Mythbusters, and a Parisian ...
In February 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa inciting the faithful to murder author Salman Rushdie for blasphemy. Within a few days, professional writers convened in ...
Sixties rock deity Jim "The Lizard King" Morrison's bloated corpse was found in a Parisian bathtub in 1971, but apparently his soul had been writhing in restless torment ...