GSTAAD—From my study’s wide-open, icicle-covered windows, one feels cocooned from the elements, as if in a prison cell but with the doors unlocked. The snows have finally ...
The world beyond our shores seems to be entering a zone of dangerous instability. Five years from now we may be looking back nostalgically at the decades 1980-2010 as an age of ...
Dear Delphi, My 22-year-old son is about to graduate from college and has announced he is marrying his college girlfriend this summer. I think he is too young and is going to ...
Ever since last August's game-changing New Yorker article about the intergalactically wealthy Koch brothers and their unholy, unfeeling, and ecologically unsanitary war to harass ...
Would you vote for The Donald for president? Compared to Obama, anyone with sense would vote for him. Obama is a disaster, like Bush II before him. But what about Trump when ...
Recently at a local college whose name I will not divulge, an act of "racial vandalism" occurred which the administration is naturally investigating. The college newspaper ...
In the penultimate chapter of Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, our narrator is reviewing a list of the ships mustered in orbit around his base planet preparatory to a ...
Orson Welles once explained that he was, inevitably, what the Comédie-Française called a King Actor. "They weren"t necessarily the best actors; they were the actors ...
Dear Delphi, My husband wants to do one of those couple-switching parties, and I am considering it. I did some research and honestly it seems like it may be a little fun. We have ...
When a supermarket's decision to put a modesty shield over a magazine cover featuring Elton John, his male lover, and their surrogate baby attracted a fierce backlash from the ...
Eric Schmidt has seen the future, and he's been kind enough to share it with us. In a recent interview with the Telegraph, the Google boss gets all dewy-eyed and breathless over ...
It began when Mohamed Bouazizi, a twenty-six-year-old fruit seller, set himself alight last December 17th in provincial Tunisia. Bouazizi was not demanding fair elections, free ...
There's nothing more frustrating than arguing with old people and hearing them bark sarcastically, "Oh, you got it from the Internet"how reliable." The Internet is the ...
Among innumeracy's great heroes must be reckoned Lord Randolph Churchill, father of Sir Winston. Shown a column of figures that included decimal points, His Lordship grumbled, ...
Although the movie industry is always accused of philistinism, filmmakers are often suckers for prestige novels. Richard Grenier, Commentary's renegade movie reviewer in the ...
Once upon a time at a famous school in La-La Land, Cammy Cam and Boris Bunter were sitting under an oak tree plaiting yellow ribbons and scoffing buns. "Penny for your ...