Ever since Canadian English professor Marshall McLuhan coined the term “the medium is the message” in 1964, it’s been fun (if not particularly taxing) for intellectuals to ...
STEALING SURFBOARDS FROM A BABY Dear Delphi, I went with my three-year-old grandson to a baby party today and I ended up threatening a five-year-old boy. I know that sounds ...
“Is our children learning?” as George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning, especially the history of their country, the school subject at which ...
Living in a state where the elected leadership tends to fall somewhere between the criminal and the brain-dead, it is always a relief to turn from the political to the real. The ...
I asked my dad what he wanted for Father’s Day, and like all dads who never abandoned their children he said, “Nothing.” I insisted he must want something and he said, “I ...
I was tempted to have a flutter on the Belmont Stakes last weekend. Not that I’m much of a horseracing fan. It’s only that I’ve been feeling exceptionally idle lately. When ...
Bill James, the baseball statistics analyst who has been one of the most revolutionary influences upon American sport and thought over the last generation, has now published a ...
Dear Delphi, I have been bedridden recently because I broke my hip in a fall. I am no spring chicken: I am a 70-year-old man and do not expect to live much longer; my body is ...
I usually go to art shows to look at fashion, but last week I went to a fashion show to look at art. The actress Chloë Sevigny held her first runway show for Opening Ceremony in ...
The Briterati, as I call Britain’s media pontificators on matters spiritual and temporal, are in a spin over reports that parents no longer read to their children and that the ...
The eminently credible mainstream media was all aflame last Tuesday with reports that a prominent lesbian blogger in Syria had been captured by armed-and-hairy secret police who ...
Near midnight on Friday, June 3, Kansas City police were called to a house in a blighted section of town to find an eighteen-month-old male corpse that had been floating dead in a ...
On April 20th of this year, a group called the BCHRT (British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, a sort of maple-syrup-flavored version of a Stalinist show-trial committee) fined ...
Dear Men Who Send Dick Shots to Women, Women do not want to see your dick. They aren’t interested in your abs, and they don’t care how much weight you lost. Men get dumped ...
Did you know that four percent of the US population—one in 25 of us—are now “cancer survivors”? This I read in TIME magazine’s current issue, whose cover story concerns ...
X-Men: First Class is the fifth screen adaptation since 2000 of the Marvel Comics series. What’s the appeal of these Homo superior mutants whose superpowers cause them to be ...