WORKING FOR MR. DICK Dear Delphi, I used to be a successful contractor but I fell on some hard times and now I am what I like to call a “property manager,” but most ...
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen came out last year, but since it has been called the novel of the century, I suppose it is still relevant. Freedom is what is now called a “literary ...
I first met Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor in the summer of 1977 in Corfu. I was onboard Gianni Agnelli’s boat, and the charismatic Fiat chairman asked me to go ashore and bring “a ...
My father, Norman Mailer, once wrote that film exists somewhere between memory and dream. We recall a film—a good film—the way we recall our memories: fragments crystallized ...
Now that UCLA has a takeout service called Ching-Chong-Ling-Long, we can finally put Alexandra Wallace’s racist rant behind us. Nothing says “our cultural wounds have ...
There seems to have been a lot of rioting recently. The Greeks are rioting over government spending cuts. Hockey fans rioted in Canada’s nicest city. Soccer fans staged a ...
ISLE OF ISCHIA—On a bright, windy June morning this beautiful island’s church bells rang out to welcome the most ostentatious concourse of sailing boats to have arrived at its ...
NEW YORK—I used to ride a bicycle in New York when it was still the Wild West out there. We cyclists were so hated by cabdrivers that a lot of them—and I’m sorry to be ...
Watching the misanthropic comedy Bad Teacher, I was reminded of how my late father-in-law, who supplemented his careers as a tuba player and union boss with a day job in the ...
SEXTING A CHEF Dear Delphi, I am a 58-year-old woman and I still feel young. I am married to a 65-year-old man who does not feel so young, meaning his sex drive has wilted like an ...
Centuries before William James coined the phrase, men have sought a “moral equivalent of war,” some human endeavor to satisfy the jingoistic lust of man, without the ...
Hitler is all over the news again. These past few months, you can’t throw a rock without it careening off the head of a public figure who put his/her foot in it by saying ...
Hard to believe though it may be, another scandal involving A-list actors is rocking Hollywood. There are all the usual hallmarks of moral decay—big-name stars (Matt Damon, Ben ...
FRANKFURT—The worst part is the weigh-in: Hundreds of heavily muscled, cauliflower-eared, tattooed, menacing-looking sweaty men from Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Uzbekistan, ...
Curious little article here in The New York Times: “Genetic Basis for Crime: A New Look.” The tainted history of using biology to explain criminal behavior has pushed ...
People around the world were deeply impressed by the manner in which the Japanese handled the big quake earlier this year. By “handled,” they of course mean “didn’t run ...