Dangerous Wild Animals Murdered LIVE on TV!

“Uh, there’s a lion…standing there under the streetlight,” the 911 caller told the Ohio dispatcher. Another caller declared, “I think I’ve just seen one. Looked ...

The Spectator’s Simple Genius

The London Spectator is the oldest weekly magazine of the English-speaking world, a jewel of a magazine as distinguished and respected as it is elegantly written. It was first ...

Acting Foolish in Public…for Peace

Despite the fact that we’ve given peace several chances only to be repeatedly disappointed, there’s always some wide-eyed new group willing to give peace yet another chance. ...

Muammar Gaddafi

Peaceful Globalists Expedite Libyan Dictator’s Murder

The two big books of the moment are Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (which I reviewed in the November issue of The American ...

Sasha and Malia Obama

10 Things I’ve Noticed About Americans

I’ve always said that Hasidim and extremist Muslims need to forget about their differences and focus on what they have in common: body odor and misogyny. But I’ve lived all ...

Share the Wealth but not Your Blanket

The left finally has a poster boy for the “Occupy” movement, and his name is Shawn Coleman. He encapsulates the liberal “What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine” ...

Mr. Zuccotti’s Zoo

NEW YORK—The morning routine is now a pleasure. Up early, stretch and bend the creaky limbs, hit the coffee, then off to judo and karate. Last week I only managed to get drunk ...

The Melancholy Roar of Retreat

One of the schoolmasters in charge of my Anglican religious instruction used to say that a good hymn is one that leaves you feeling absolutely terrible. I feel the same way about ...

Kathleen and Eldridge Cleaver

Remembrance of Black American Fugitives Past

Hearing about the black American fugitive who was caught recently after 40 years on the lam brought back lots of memories. No, I’m not black and I’ve never been a fugitive ...

Feminist Delusions About Children’s Fairytales

Your friendly neighborhood feminists—in a book I refuse to name—want to blame fairytales such as Cinderella for creating unrealistic expectations in American women. Why all ...

Between Fox and the Foxhole

Fox News invited me a few days ago to discuss Occupy Wall Street. Greg Gutfeld over at the late-night show Red Eye showed some interest in my column here at Taki, especially the ...

Occupy Wall Street: No Vacancies

The left is desperate to have Occupy Wall Street ripple into a movement to challenge the Tea Party. The problem is that this movement’s “Occupants” are as relevant as navel ...

George Clooney

Black, But Not Like Barack

George Clooney likes to make serious, important movies such as Up in the Air, Michael Clayton, and The American, in which he plays broken men beaten down by The System. ...

The Week in Canadian Sex News!

Canada’s prolific pop historian Pierre Berton quipped: “A Canadian is someone who knows how to have sex in a canoe.” I know: That’s dumb and not funny. We’re usually ...

Anderson Cooper

Bye-Bye to Butch Broadcasters

The Andy Rooney era has ended. He gave his valedictory 60 Minutes appearance on October 2, 2011. When he began in the summer of 1978, I was preparing to enter college, Carter was ...

Washington and Lee University

Robert E. Lee’s Final Surrender

Wednesday, October 12, will mark the 141st anniversary of General Robert E. Lee’s death. He was a giant who epitomized the best that used to distinguish America from the rest of ...

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