At ten minutes past four on the afternoon of April 28, 1945, a plumber named Moretti shot and killed a prematurely aged man and a youngish woman who was not wearing any underwear ...
What a week in headline news. If I see one more thing about Iran and Israel, I am going to nuke them all myself. Syria is no better. Plus, the Chinese/Tibetan thing is flaring up ...
Charles Murray is a genius with a bad idea. Murray is an expert on IQ, but while not even he might qualify as a “genius” based on his own criteria, he sure as hell fits mine: ...
The Pink Mafia’s tirelessly active activists recently upbraided former Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon for insisting that her switch from a heterosexual lifestyle to a ...
Dark decades of direct experience with human beings have given us reason to operate from an ecumenical distrust of human nature. Although perfectly natural, human nature is a foul ...
When MTV’s The Real World debuted in 1992, people saw it for what it was: a silly bit of voyeurism for a bunch of stupid kids. Twenty years later, the genre it hatched is ...
In her new book The Obamas, Jodi Kantor, a New York Times White House correspondent, recounts that Jacqueline Kennedy once fled the White House without her tomcatting husband for ...
Hollywood made a silent film in the 21st century. Big whoop. Now they’re acting like they pioneered something “groundbreaking.” Originality is clearly not Hollywood’s ...
Middle America’s quaint pastimes are mocked. Quirky teens navigate suburbia’s dark, surreal underbelly. Filmmakers make films about filmmaking. Families are weird, the planet ...
Alejandrina Cabrera was born and raised in America and graduated in the 1980s from the same Arizona public high school as former UFC heavyweight champion Cain “Brown Pride” ...
What’s the latest from the scientific frontlines in the IQ Wars? As you’ll recall from the press, the Bad Guys are social scientists such as Arthur Jensen, Linda Gottfredson, ...
It wasn’t Italy’s finest hour. Not even Gabrielle D’Annunzio—poet, patriot, propagandist, and proto-fascist—could spin this into a maritime Titanic-like drama. Once the ...
No doubt at least some in the art world gave a sigh of relief to learn that Damien Hirst’s latest retrospective, The Complete Spot Paintings, is dedicated to his innocuous ...
Last year was a banner year for Los Angeles divorce attorneys. The most high-profile splits include: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore (turns out she suffers from ...
My first exposure to Straussian ideas was in college via a photocopy handout of passages from Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind. It was an eerie experience. The ...
Rammstein’s “Mein Land” is the single from their recently released greatest-hits album, Made in Germany. It may be a first in recent history—a popular song which expresses ...