The first time I saw the name "Trayvon Martin" was on March 16 while reading an arguable but intelligent New York Times op-ed. Entitled "As Black As We Wish to ...
At six foot nine, Kris Humphries may literally be the world's biggest ass. This giant goober-faced fool is a basketball player who was briefly married to pneumatic Armenian ...
I share my Taki colleagues" dismay and disgust regarding the fly-by-night carnival I"m obliged to refer to"in accordance with his mother's stated wishes"as the ...
With the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was legally carrying a 9-millimeter handgun, the familiar wail has arisen from our cultural and ...
Dear Henry Rollins, In a recent interview you expressed concern, like so many of our other socially conscious celebrities, that the so-called “War on Women” was ...
I first encountered the word "hatefact" while drinking with someone"either "shock jock" Anthony Cumia at a grimy Midtown bar or VDARE's erudite Peter Brimelow ...
In the February 18 issue of the world’s greatest weekly I wrote that I had fallen madly in love with Jessica Raine, the actress who portrays nurse Jenny in the Sunday-night BBC ...
London Mayor Boris Johnson spoke the other day about the riots that devastated London and other English cities last summer: The biggest shock for me from the riots was the sheer ...
Intelligent people worry that our new “meritocratic” elite may become a hereditary caste. Charles Murray sees something ominous in the fact that for 25% of modern ...
As female authors increasingly dominate popular fiction, they are confronted with whether or not to try and appeal to the remnant male market. The authors of this century's three ...
This week brings a steamin’ hot plate of scandal, scandal, scandal"flour bombs, plastic babies, break-ins, drunk driving, Ecstasy, and placenta-eating. Be sure to save ...
How many suicides will we blame on Lady Gaga years from now? Hear me out: Our ruling elites insist that bullied gay teens commit suicide in greater numbers than the general ...
He saw people stare, but he looked right through them. His mind was on something satisfying. A distant thought made him smile. The bands on his right wrist read "Parachute ...
Much to the consternation of Western intellectuals and journalists, Hungary's government sponsors a House of Terror in Budapest which dares to devote attention to not only Nazi ...
In keeping with its world-famous heartlessness, the United States has defunded UNESCO. The world's innocent children are unjustly suffering even as you read this. Such has been ...
Here we go again, sports fans! During a recent tennis match between two professionals in Indian Wells, California, a racial comment uttered by one of the players has the usual ...