When libertarians, paleocons, neocons, and Republicans are confronted with a shrieking liberal they usually shoo it away. That's easy if you don"t live in New York City, ...
ONBOARD S/Y BUSHIDO OFF CORSICA—For the last three days I’ve been watching people 110 years old prancing around bareheaded under a sun so fierce that no Taliban warrior would ...
I"ve just had the worst time in my life rubbing shoulders"actually masts"with ghastly ex-Soviet Union gangsters, now called "oligarchs" by the gutter press and ...
The Army was obsessed with cleanliness. We"d crane our necks around the bottoms of toilets and plumbing pipes until we could see our tired faces in them. We"d show off our ...
This evening in the European soccer championships" quarterfinals, the country where I was born in 1958 (England) plays the country where I have lived since 1998 (Italy). ...
In these dark days of the republic, sourpusses abound. Less than a third of the country thinks it is on the right track. Unemployment is up, confidence is down, and the economy ...
I started blogging in 2000. Two years earlier, Matt Drudge had blown the whistle (as it were) on Bill Clinton's Monica problem after Big Media repeatedly passed on the ...
Everything was bigger with the Yanks: their soldiers, their food, and their imaginations. I was in the cookhouse with them in Kuwait before we tore across the border. We Brits had ...
I was wading through the daily mire of newspaper headlines the other day about the deepening euro crisis and the latest rich or famous Italian to be arrested when I saw this: ...
ONBOARD S/Y BUSHIDO—I made a resolution long ago never to mention the Olympics, but resolutions are made to be broken. My uncle competed in Los Angeles in 1932 and Berlin in ...
I hadn’t read The Smithsonian for years. Back in the 1970s I actually subscribed to it. That was in the days when Stephen Jay Gould contributed columns to the magazine. I ...
You probably haven"t heard of Get the Gringo, a recent Lethal Weapon-like action movie starring Mel Gibson and directed by his right-hand man Adrian Grunberg. Mad Mel plays ...
London's big scandal this past week involves a rapper, a Rothschild, and a handsome son of the late businessman James Goldsmith. The British tabloids have been going bananas ...