What has happened to Wimbledon? A public crying jag would surely have embarrassed Baron von Cramm, a three-time losing finalist, as well as Rod Laver, Roy Emerson, and John ...
Back in 1982 a faction of Lebanese Arabs massacred Palestinian Arabs at two refugee camps in Beirut. The Israeli army, in the neighborhood at the time, was accused of turning a ...
With Silicon Valley back on top of the world, it's time to point out a bit of unwelcome history. There are two competing narratives about the technology hub's origins: "¢ ...
Since women (and not a few men) obviously love a man in uniform, where is all the porn featuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Dirty cops are an X-rated staple, and "the ...
Last week in rural western Alabama, members of the Christian Identity movement teamed up with Klansmen to host a three-day shindig that ended on Friday with a cross burning. The ...
One of my sergeant majors was an airborne soldier and what he said was gospel to us. We young soldiers saw the wings on his arm and asked him what parachuting was like. He said it ...
Yet again, a Catholic country has won a major international soccer tournament. Why are Catholics so good at kicking around soccer balls but so bad at running their countries? Is ...
I watched Pink Floyd's trippy rock opera The Wall on VHS at least a dozen times as a kid. So when I heard that Roger Waters was dragging The Wall Live stage show out of the 1980s ...
The Spectator lost one of its most loyal readers when Alistair, 9th Marquess of Londonderry, died recently of that most dreaded pancreatic cancer, the very same that had killed ...
Tom Cruise received a most unpleasant 50th-birthday present: His wife of five years Katie Holmes has filed for divorce. Cruise was apparently blindsided by the news. The tabloids ...
It’s a slow news week and I’m temporarily out of outrageous opinions, so here are my recollections of being down and out in Southeast Asia in 1972. Apologies to George ...
Every Fourth of July, a heretical question nags: Would it have been so bad if America hadn"t won its independence from Britain? This is not a popular topic among Americans, ...
Now that I have been sucked into the vortex that is the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, I am beginning to understand that women want the dude to be in charge, and apparently ...
September 11 happened as soon as I"d gotten to my first regiment. It was just after lunch and our full bellies were satisfied as they worked away on fish and chips, pudding ...
Whatever one's views on today's Middle Eastern regimes, we can all agree that violent rioting is not a system of governance. But how can raucous street demonstrations be prevented ...