In the wake of Friday morning's bloodbath at a Colorado movie theater, America struggles to figure out who or what to blame. They"ve obviously ruled out the shooter. James ...
Wallowing in their feelings of superiority over the tinfoil-helmet brigade, the enlightened establishment enjoys tittering over right-wing bumpkins who supposedly believe in ...
The British public periodically goes ape over silly things such as cricket, Twiggy, the occasional sunny day, the Chelsea Flower Show, Guy Fawkes Night, and the not-so-direct ...
"It's the fault of my research assistants Mandy, Candy, and ...
The environmental movement is predominantly liberal, which means its thought process works backward. They start at the end with a wishful thought""Don"t make this ...
GSTAAD—Mountains in summer have a faraway astral beauty, snowy and shrouded in cloud peaks like old men wearing spats. Danger lurks in such mountains. Colin Thubron wrote about ...
Or if they don’t, we can take them apart. We do not want the bolt lock pin to be tight in the bolt. We want it to be tight in the bolt lock, or locking block.... Damn ...
The religious world is buzzing this week with the unusual results of the Episcopal Church's latest General Convention. That venerable institution has voted, among other things, to ...
Oliver Stone finally has an entertaining movie"Savages"out in theaters again. It's time to try to do something Stone can"t, which is think dispassionately about ...
If your finger's on the pulse of the Internet, you know that Bill Murray is adored by everyone born after 1976. We love him not just for his carefree, arrogant movie persona but ...
First came that menstrually segregated "mosqueteria." Then their Che Guevara lesson plan. Has the always entertaining Toronto District School Board outdone itself with its ...
The possible discovery of the Higgs boson was announced on the Fourth of July. Confused nerds feigned excitement. I yawned and threw another sausage on the grill. The Higgs boson ...
The hoarsely ululating throats of the "pro-life" and "pro-choice" movements screamed at each other outside a small abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi last ...
In Basic Training, we were given a set of civilian clothes which had to be worn whenever we weren"t in uniform. It was another uniform to make us all the same, they said. The ...
My wife has a little house in Lido di Dante, a beautiful beach just south of Ravenna where Dante himself died in 1321. The beach is three miles of unspoiled sand dunes and pine ...
Immigrants in the early 20th century celebrated US citizenship. The threat of illness, death, and separation from their wives and children failed to deter these Europeans who fled ...