The BBC has just rejected a proposal to erect a statue in honor of George Orwell outside its new London headquarters. The reason? As the nation's public broadcaster, the BBC is ...
The Grim Reaper thinned the herd of baby-boomer entertainment icons this summer. Ernest Borgnine, Andy Griffith, Phyllis Diller, William Windom, and"ahem"Scott McKenzie ...
With the exception of the French Academy immortals Michel Déon and Jean d’Ormesson, two wonderful writers and both the epitome of charm and graciousness, the French can be a ...
The recent anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki's destruction by atomic bombs reminded me of an odd encounter I once had with one of the responsible parties. It happened at a ...
The Augusta National Golf Club, the only course to host a major championship each year, has invited its first two women members"former Secretary of State Condi Rice and Darla ...
American media coverage of the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting often included primers on Sikhism, sidebars that would be considered superfluous up here in Canada. Though estimates ...
Western analysis of the stunt pulled in Moscow by the cretins known as Pussy Riot cannot convey the visceral rage their act has elicited from the typical Russian. I don’t ...
In Britain, there are ghosts everywhere. Here in Italy, there are none. Our house is nevertheless infestata (haunted), according to my wife"not by ghosts but by ...
The most scurrilous theory is that Obama's people wanted cast-iron insurance against assassination ...
Commencement speeches often give great advice on how to succeed, whom to befriend, and whom to love, but they never focus on the importance of hatred. I believe that choosing whom ...
GSTAAD—My chalet lies far above the village of Gstaad, but I happened to be en ville when I heard the pleasant sounds of an Oom-pah band and saw the Swiss burghers dressed up in ...
It’s been three months since I did a potpourri of unconnected items, so I shall indulge myself again. This may get to be a quarterly habit, I don’t know. Who can think ...
I turned on the TV and saw a new reality show with an intriguing premise: How big of a head start does a white woman need to outrun a black man? While skinny women frantically ...
While the world had its eyes trained on London's Olympics, a great many were staring at the planet Mars. On August 5, workers at the JPL's Mars Science Laboratory breathed a sigh ...
Taken overall 36 percent of immigrant households use welfare, against 23 percent of native ...
GSTAAD—If the London Olympics do not go down in history as The Crying Games, I will perform a sex act on a Mae West hologram in Times Square as the clock strikes 12 on New ...