Dumb Middle Easterners are angrier than ever at the West today, and dumb Americans are angrier than ever at the Muslim world, and we"re not sure who's dumber. Fires are ...
Not to worry, though. The Federal Reserve has announced a new stimulus ...
Last week, the press whipped itself into a frenzy of anticipation for Barack Obama's big speech at the Democratic Convention, only to have Obama once again turn out to be the ...
Ask anyone who has been in law enforcement for a long time what would be his or her dream job, and the answer is invariably "executioner." Not for nothing are drink, ...
I suspect that Norwegians regard themselves as exceptionally decent and highly civilized. Like the rest of Western Europeans, they eschew the death penalty and cast a horrified ...
A recent study from the University of Michigan finds that the ever-popular youth expression "that's so gay" is actually harmful to gay, lesbian, and bisexual ...
Forty-five years ago two Greek shipowners and the most famous diva of her time squared off in a British High Court over a financial dispute. Panaghis Vergottis, a gentleman and ...
On a call-in radio program recently, we had been airing my infamous assertion in a Taki’s Magazine column back in April that white people should avoid large concentrations ...
I was certain I still had my copy of the book on the same shelf as my long-untouched copies of The Second Sex, The Female Eunuch, and The Feminine Mystique. After learning of the ...
Shortly before the stroke of midnight on August 24 in Savannah, GA, a young interracial couple was strolling downtown through a former slave market called Ellis Square. ...
Fascism is presumed to be intrinsically and violently anti-Semitic, and the fascists wanted to exterminate the Jews, right? Wrong. That was the National Socialists. The German ...
I just got back from Virginia Beach, and boy are my arms tired of gesticulating. We drove there to cover a surf competition, and spending 16 hours in a car with an all-male film ...
GSTAAD—Now is the time of sultry August days and nights, with the gift of privacy an added bonus. In summer the village contains the die-hards, the locals, and a few tourists. ...
The last thing I had expected of Dinesh D’Souza’s first Michael Moore-type political documentary, 2016: Obama’s America, was that it would prove one of ...
So the miracle has happened. A generation has been inspired and millions of children have been driven away from their televisions and handheld devices and have gone out on the ...
There was no television readily available when I heard that Neil Armstrong had passed from this world. In a hotel room hours later, I found that no news programs were mentioning ...