Joe Wright first directed Keira Knightley in a decent remake of Pride and Prejudice in 2005. Two years later, Wright and Knightley almost hit the Academy Award jackpot with the ...
It was 1948, and the great Joe DiMaggio was injured most of the season. Tommy Henrich and Charlie Keller were in the outfield and a young Yogi Berra was behind the plate. But even ...
You know how "If you remember the 60s, you weren"t there"? Here's mine: "It's not "genocide" if you"re still here." Sorry, disgruntled African ...
I woke up this morning with a bit of a chest cold and decided not to blame the Jews for it. Some mystical yearning deep inside my heart"I believe it's called "common ...
The Remembrance Day commemorations in honor of the war dead always prompt even me to think that the Italians" reputation as a nation of cowards on the battlefield is ...
...sticking it to the rich is a real psychological ...
MIAMI BEACH—To the Mecca of brutalism, a place that rivals Marbella for vulgarity, with sprawling, marble-clad palaces, boxy condo blocks, and concrete lumps replacing Old World ...
With his unimpeachable performance in Steven Spielberg's Lincoln (which opens nationwide on Friday), Daniel Day-Lewis seems ready to become the first man ever to win three Best ...
Taki Theodoracopulos wins the world 70+ judo championship by forcing tough-guy actor Bo "Walking Tall" Svenson into ...
In July 2011, in response to public anger at a few tabloid journalists" illegal activities, David Cameron reluctantly announced the Leveson Inquiry into the specific ...
America has now elected its first half-black president to a second term, which, if you understand math, means that America has finally elected a fully black president to one term. ...
Another American election has come and gone, this one noteworthy for its complete absence of candidates from America's richest, most famous family dynasties. As far as I can tell, ...
The attraction to Obama was mostly purchased through the time-honored method, fundamental to democracy, of shoveling public money to key ...
I realize receiving a letter from a time traveler can be confusing, and you may believe this is some kind of a prank. To verify my time-traveling skills, I have enclosed within ...
OK, so I did vote after all, my lofty apathy indifference of three weeks ago notwithstanding. It was my son that sent me off to the polling booth. Danny Derbyshire has for years ...
Hurricane Sandy's floodwaters have ebbed and the American Northeast's ravaged infrastructure has begun stitching itself back together. Taki's Mag mainstay John Derbyshire finally ...