Mass shootings have been a recognized phenomenon in the US since Charles Whitman went up the tower at the U. of Texas with a rifle in 1966 and entered Baby Boomer lore. That's ...
Yesterday I stopped by a Methodist church that was having a charity Christmas-tree sale. A man told me the sale was over for the day and then wished me "Happy ...
"I just report the news." That phrase may not have the currency of "The check's in the mail," but it's all too familiar as every journalist's favorite alibi. They always trot ...
“No set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society.” So said President Obama in words of comfort in Newtown. ...
Just in time for Christmas, the latest British census shows that since 2001, when 72% of the UK's denizens claimed to be Christians, the quotient has dropped thirteen percentage ...
If it were not for the Apocalypse which is due any day now I would be the owner at last of a large stone farmhouse perched in the gentle foothills of the Apennines and surrounded ...
Youth is full of folly, sure, but at least this is the right kind of ...
Religion is in decline, tradition takes a backseat to fashion, and same-sex marriage is now looked upon as normal. What were previously taboos—swearing on television, watching ...
Did you ever have two different news stories collide in your head, leaving both with dangling fenders, shattered headlights, and leaking radiator fluid? I did, just this ...
One of my minor irritants is seeing weak people intentionally set up to fail. It happens more often in Hollywood than anywhere else on Earth. When a production tanks, a troubled ...
Brothers, gents, countrymen, and assorted randy lads and bucks galloping like centaurs through fields of feminine flowers and wantonly squirting their seed the world over, I ...
As Pastor Martin Niemöller famously wrote: First they came for the loud, obnoxious, drunken neighbors who defecated on my front lawn, tossed their beer bottles through my ...
John Boehner has been seeking advice on the nation's fiscal management from Snookie, Pee Wee Herman, and Pastor Terry ...
While bemoaning Brooklyn's yuppification, many say, "I miss old New York," but the same way Germans idolize Native Americans they"ve never met, outsiders worship ...
Why do so many respectable newspapers and magazines go weak at the knees the moment an unreadable autobiography of some illiterate rock star is published? I guess no hack, however ...
Predictions are in the air, or at least in the dwindling little pocket of air from which I breathe, down here in my diving bell a thousand feet beneath the surface of Liberalism ...