Rep. Yvonne Davis

Portrait of the Week

HOME Hopper Penn, the 19-year old son of Milk actor Sean Penn, tackled a photographer whom he subsequently called a “faggot.” Noticing the man was black, Hopper ...

B-52 Bomber

May the Spirit of American Freedom Live On!

Let's hear it for the dear old B-52, now in its 59th year of ...

10 Things I Hate About LA

If my kids turned out to be gay, I"€™d say, "€œOh great, there go my grandchildren"€ and move on. But if my son turned out to be the guy at The New York Times who covered ...

Betty Friedan

Feminine Mystique, Feminine Mistakes

A nice package arrived by post just as I was going to ring a friend in London and inquire how old and how good was a title whose bearer uses it more often than a footballer says ...

Mankind’s Collective Personalities

Here is an old Soviet-era joke, from the subgenre in which dimwitted peasant Khruschev plays Costello to smart seminarian Stalin’s Abbott. Stalin and Khruschev are touring ...

Del Close

Comedy for the Devil

Had history veered off course ever so slightly, we"€™d mock evangelical Christians for playing George Carlin albums backwards and listening for demonic messages in the resulting ...

Sherry West

The Irrational (Yet Perfectly Understandable) Nature of Blood Vengeance

On a sunny September afternoon when I was eight, I was standing on the concrete steps outside our suburban Philly house when I heard my mother unleash a piercingly loud animal ...

Hillary Clinton

Portrait of the Week

HOME NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg introduced legislation requiring stores to hide tobacco products inside cabinets or under counters where customers can’t see them. ... The ...

I Love You, Ann Coulter

Perhaps I sounded too needy "€” women hate ...

Augusto Pinochet

Reconsidering Pinochet

With the passing of Hugo Chávez, we got a lot of crocodile tears from liberals claiming we had "€œlost a friend"€ who "€œlifted the poor and helped them realize their ...


Every Invented Paradise Soon Turns Into Hell

He was a member of a charmed circle of Hellene and Philhellene intellectuals just before and after World War II, experiencing modern Greece and seeing it as a place rich in beauty ...

Genes and Smarts

A couple of months ago here on Taki’s Mag I reviewed responses to geek website‘s Annual Question. The 2013 question was: What should we be worried about? The ...

Scripps College graduates

The Cult of Microaggressions

While reading up a couple of weeks ago on the Oberlin College KKK fiasco, I became fascinated by the various Web pages at colleges such as Oberlin, Smith, Scripps, and similar ...

Imam Shahid Mehdi

The Muff-Crazed Mufti

Imam Shahid Mehdi"€”interpreter of Islamic law, respected Muslim scholar, and former lingerie salesman"€”is a Denmark-based mufti who managed to outrage both the left-wing ...

Michael Bloomberg

Portrait of the Week

HOME A judge smacked down Mayor Michael Bloomberg"€˜s soda ban in New York City. Bloomberg vowed to appeal the decision, calling it "€œirresponsible not to try to do ...

David Cameron and Boris Johnson

Another Battle Lost on the Playing-Fields of Eton

Referring to his most famous victory at the educational establishment he and so many of his officers attended, the Duke of Wellington is alleged (some say incorrectly) to have ...

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